Indie Dev

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  1. Lore

    Video/Sound Recording (for Tutorials, etc)

    Hi folks, I'm wanting to make a video of my Database setup tutorial, as well as potentially a beginning series of beginner tutorials. What I want to know is, for those who have done tutorials like this before, what screen capture/video recording, voice recording & video compilation software do...
  2. Aisling Starr

    Sorry. (Mini-vent(?)) (Garando/Youtube/Shop)

    I'm sure no one remembers me, so I'll just give a small introduction. Hello! My name is Aisling. Aisling Starr. I'm a game creator that uses RPGMMV, and is still learning how to use RPGMMV. I'm 18 (I know, age is wrong on profile ><), and I'm, what most would call, a "female", although I...
  3. GrantDaGreat68

    Rpgmaker MV Let's Plays on Youtube

    Hello There! I just started my YouTube channel back up, "Grantronic4", and decided to start doing some RPG maker MV Let's Plays. I've released a video in regards to how you can get your RPG Maker games on my Channel. Please see video below for instructions. It is very similar to the format on...
  4. Boy Who Codes

    Questions on MV Events / Scripting You Have (Youtube Videos)

    Hello everyone, Soul here. So for quite some time, my youtube channel became stale because to be honest I am still thinking which one is a good tutorial to make for people who would like to learn about MV. I do have a series planned but while making them, I want some alternate questions to...
  5. Zarsla

    Starting RPG Maker MV Videos

    Hey everyone, I'm starting two rpg maker video tutorial series. One is based on my game(s), that I'm making and the stuff featured in it. And the other I wish to be based on topics that you asked. I'm not good at scripting (so no how to make a plugin tutorials) but I know my way around...
  6. MinisterJay

    What is the Link to RMMV Forums You Tube?

    One of the badges requires a member to upload a video to RMMV You Tube's official site. On You Tube, I see a lot of videos uploaded by SoulPour, but I did not find an official page for RMMV. Is there a particular you want the videos submitted to, or it can be placed anywher as long as RMMV...
  7. Kori

    Music You Love But Others Hate

    So I know awe all have different music taste. Some people might be into screamo while others are into Vocaloid... My point is that we all have one music taste that everyone hates so I wanna see what you people have! Post a link to your song and we will tell you want we think! Please note that...
  8. Rise Evil

    Yanfly's Youtube Channel

    I don't remember if we post anything concerning Yanfly about all the infos he provided to prople through his channel. If not, here's a link to his channel. You should watch his YEP series as well ^^
  9. Xyphien

    William TheUnproPro Shoutout

    So, William TheUnproPro just gave us a shoutout on his youtube video. He has 14k+ subscribers, so I'd like to thank him. If you'd like to check him out do so by clicking his name above :) Subscribe to him if you'd feel like it, he did take the time to make a video about the forum, and help us...