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  1. MugenDraco

    How to Choose Weapon Motion While Keeping Weapon Image for Skills

    Here's what I'm trying to do. I have all my Weapon Types set up, and certain Skills use the user's currently equipped weapon's animation instead of the generic cast animation. I've achieved this through Yanfly's Action Sequence Packs just fine. However, I'm trying to fine-tune it to get more...
  2. ddblue0

    Can I achieve this using Yanfly's Battle Core?

    Hello everyone, For a few weeks now I have tried various things to recreate the following battle system in MV: I have trying to use Yanfly Battle Core to make this happen. By default, no party member sprites are displayed when using a front view system...
  3. N

    In need of assistance with checking an actor for multiple states at once.

    Hi! ive been creating some pretty cool things for my game. but ive hit a snag with my JS (which im admittedly still learning) ive attempted to google references for how to accomplish my goal but the syntax im using, while not causing a crash on its own is not exactly doing what I would like...
  4. Tsuyoi Raion

    [Paid Request] YEP-GabWindow Edit

    Hello everyone! I am currently using the YEP-GabWindow as my main discussion box instead of a side gab as the script was designed to do, since there's not a lot of custom window systems, at least ones that offer more diversity, I went with this. What I need is for the gab windows to work like...
  5. Okralord

    Yanfly Victory Aftermath LAG

    HELLO! I'm getting some pretty bad lag during the exp bars part of Victory Aftermath. I've tried changing the sound effect used for the bars, as well as the tick count. Neither of these things has helped. I saw another that post said he "resolved" the issue and that it was lag due to having to...
  6. Faerin

    Yanfly's Party System remove a member

    Hello everybody! I'm using Yanfly's Party System ( and I see that when a player is removed from the party, they still show up in the main menu but is slightly dimmed: How do I make the actor disappear completely from the main menu? And...
  7. Walker's

    Stealing Spells from Enemies

    Hi Game Makers! There's a spell that I want to create, and I think this should be easy enough for anyone who has decent programming skills and knowledge of how Yanfly's engine works. Currently, there's two version of spell stealing by Yanfly. 1) Blue Magic - Auto steal spells when the...
  8. SC Fúria

    Undead/Zombie State (using Yanfly Buffs&States Core)

    Hi guys! Today I have another question, I hope it can be resolved! Currently, I'm using Yanfly Buffs&States Core and the autopassive states plugins to recreate the undead state of Final Fantasy X. The next youtube video shows how to use it in enemies but it can easly done for anything...
  9. Shiro

    Class with Two-handed Weapon & Dual Wield

    Hello! I would like to create a class which can use bows (two-handed weapon) and also daggers/swords/axes (one-handed weapons). The problem is if I use the dual wield tag the character can also carry two bows. I want to prevent this. The other issue: Swords & Axes are also used by other...
  10. yaboyhisoka

    Type Error from AnimatedSVEnemies

    With the plugin "AnimatedSVEnemies" I get the type error "cannot read property of 'toLowerCase' undefined." I have no idea what to do about this, so any help is appreciated. I attached the error log it gave me.
  11. Delta Venom

    Skill Upgrade System / Toggle and Check Switches in Note-tags

    Heya I'm using Yanfly's Skill Learn System. I have 3 Skill Tiers. Skill 1, Skill 2, Skill 3. They are more Powerful versions of each other and once Skill 2 is learned, Skill 1 will be forgotten. The Problem is that Skill 1 can be learned again because of how the Plugin works. He're what i...
  12. JebberBear

    Understanding Yanfly's Stealth Engine

    So I am really having trouble understanding how to use Yanfly's stealth engine even after spending 4 hours trying to figure it out. For the game I am making I want to make regions the characters can hide in and others that they cannot. I am under the impression that Yanfly's plug in can do this...
  13. Spindaboy

    Yanfly's Selection Control Not Dispersing Damage

    I have tried switching the default option from true to false then back to true as well as using the <disperse damage> note tag for skills, but to no avail. I have tried removing all other non Yanfly plugins one at a time, but no success then either. Whether I'm healing multiple allies or...
  14. C

    Animated ennemy sideview error Help !

    Hello everyone :) ! I have a problem with the plugin of Yanfly: Animated enemy sideview I'm french so I have problems with English: / The problem is an error: Undifined is not a function The error occurs when the fight starts Thank you for reading this and I hope an answer! Ask me for a picture...
  15. raymi100

    Yanfly Class Change Core Problem

    Hiya! So, I have this problem with Yanfly's Class Change Core that when I put the proper notetag in the actor box for the player to have a class unlocked by default, it gives me the skills of that class on top of the skills of the current class, even though I haven't selected that class yet. In...
  16. Alcha Emy

    Need some help with Yanfly plugin.

    So more or less I'm asking for some help on how I can contact Yanfly to as them about the plugin but if you know what's going wrong an how to fix it that;d be great! It's the Actor Variables plugin. Basically I have variables I don't want visiable till certain points in the game. I have em...
  17. Rise Evil

    Yanfly's Youtube Channel

    I don't remember if we post anything concerning Yanfly about all the infos he provided to prople through his channel. If not, here's a link to his channel. You should watch his YEP series as well ^^