Indie Dev

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  1. E

    Let's make a game! Anyone welcome!

    So I previously posted that I want to make a game, but it's too big. And after watching extra credits I realized that I should start small to gain experience. So my proposition is, if anyone wants to just make games for experience sake please reply. I don't have a story to work on, but I'd like...
  2. Jordan Winslow

    How a False Diagnosis Led to the Creation of One of the Most Passionate Music Producers in the U.S.!

    I WAS WHAT THEY CALLED A “TROUBLED” CHILD. I was the class clown. It seemed to the faculty at Lumpkin County Elementary that I could not focus on any work they gave me and it was suggested I may have something wrong with my brain. As time went on, I became very well acquainted with the...
  3. 77Mercury77

    Hi guys! I'm new to MV but am loving it!

    Hey guys! I'm Thorn, I'm working on some RPG/Point & Click Adventure games. I'm trying to combine what was the best of Lufia 2, Monkey Island and Toon Struck. I'm hoping to do a serious RPG down the track but am doing more light hearted stuff while I'm learning to use MV. Had it for about 3...
  4. victhompson

    Hey there!

    Hi guys, I`m an old RPG afficionado. Have being around in some tables as a dungeon master and also tried my ways in design games back in to the RPG Maker 2k era. Aiming to get back now. As I consider myself some sort of writter (used to do it more often, though), I really like to debate and...
  5. chronoata

    Recruiting for Alterra

    Hello everyone, i'm currently working on an RMMV project and is looking for any Volunteers who are interested in working together! here's a little overview of the project: ALTERRA General Information & Gameplay The game will be a semi-roguelike (step-by-step movements with battle sequence)...
  6. SepulcherGeist

    Introduction: Writer-Type Person

    Hello, I'm a published author looking into making an RPG Maker MV game to release free with my next book, if I feel I can get the "tone" of the game right. I made an account here to hunt for usable resources, but if anyone needs any writing, plot, or character help or advice, you can always hit...
  7. MagusRising

    Hi everyone, MagusRising here, but you can call me Nick

    I've been using RPG Maker since RPG Maker 2000. I'm a professional IT guy: (Network-Systems Analyst/Consultant for Windows & Linux, and an IBM AS/400 iSeries Operator) I also own and run a small remote IT support company called Byrd Diagnostics. Website here: I'm an avid...
  8. Phaetum

    Greetings from the Neverscape!

    Hello there and thanks for checking out my intro thread! I'm Hannah, (or Phaetum, or if you knew me from RPGmaker VX Ace forums, Neverward.) an artist, writer, and developer of awesome ideas! I'm an avid gamer and have been since I had my portable PS1 at 7 years old. I love it all, RPG's...
  9. Fynnmellex


    Hey guys, I know I'm a bit late with my introduction as I already posted two threads in the support forum, but I figured I should at least let you know what my qualities are so that you know whom to ask if you have any questions or requests. I would consider myself a writer. As such I intend to...
  10. MinisterJay

    [Writer] Commisioned and Free

    Here is my writing resume': Education: Bachelor's of Science, Majoring in Psychology and Minoring in English. Work Related Experience: Teacher for over seven years. MBA, Law School, and Writing tutoring expert for Just Answer for over five years. Publications Featured In: Hot-Psychology...