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  1. CT_Bolt

    RPG Maker Main Menu on Map 1.10b (compatibility fix is now fixed. lol)

    Menu directly on Map (with events/animated tiles/etc. running in BG) Also added an optional 'Cancel' Command to the menu list. Enjoy! Happy Game Making! (cute)(icecream)
  2. Chi-Time

    drawFace () and drawActorFace () Not Drawing to Window.

    Hi there. I'm having an issue with drawing actor faces to a Window_Base as it just won't display them. Everything else such as icon's, text, simple status' etc all seem to work. But trying to draw an image of their face is just not doing anything. Here's my current code...
  3. Doppelherz

    Weird shadow in Window.

    I'm trying to make my own window, but as you can see from the gameplay picture; there is a darker area inside the window edges that goes all around the window. I don't know where it comes from or how to fix it, because there shouldn't be that dark area as you can see in the other picture...
  4. N

    Effective way to modify basic script

    I'm currently learning .Js right now and tried to modify menu right now straight to the problem : lets say , in drawActorSimpleStatus , its a function that draw all the status the actor has (name, level , class , hpbar , mpbar) in the default menu let's say I wanted to make the menu didnt draw...
  5. A13XIS

    [answered] Jump between windows

    Hi there. :) I'm trying to create a Battle Actor Selection. The Battle system has a maximum of 3 slots which have different side effects, so I need one ("Command")window to select the slot and a second one to select a character. Now this "window jumping" does occur in the standart BS as well...
  6. D

    Window_update which bitmap is it on?

    So on an update function how do I know which variable bar to update? Since I forlooped to create multiple bars. Thanks. The update function will not know which bitmap is which? for(var i = 0; i < achievementText.length; i++){ this.createVariableBars(i); }...
  7. Y

    Need Help in Scipting - Deleting some space on Save/Load Screen

    Hey everyone, probably easy for you, but difficult for me: I want to delete the "File" space on save/load screen. When I try to remove it I always do something wrong and get errors. For easier understanding here's a screenshot: That's my current script...
  8. LTN Games

    [Scripting] Script Call Function

    I'm not sure the best way to explain this but I'm trying to create a function that can be called through a script call in an event. I'm trying to allow the contents of my window be changed via a script call, basically allowing me to set the icon and the text through a function I create. Here is...