Indie Dev

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  1. MugenDraco

    How to Choose Weapon Motion While Keeping Weapon Image for Skills

    Here's what I'm trying to do. I have all my Weapon Types set up, and certain Skills use the user's currently equipped weapon's animation instead of the generic cast animation. I've achieved this through Yanfly's Action Sequence Packs just fine. However, I'm trying to fine-tune it to get more...
  2. G

    [RMVXAce] [Script Request] Equipment Durability

    The scope of this script is to give equipment durability ratings that determine the effectiveness of the equipment until it is repaired. A simple approach would be a straight percentage. At 100 durability, the equipment's stats are 100% effective. At 1% durability, it would be wise to use...
  3. UngraguGaming

    RPG Maker More Weird Weapons! 2019-03-15

    Just dug up a few more I had lying around, along a freshly made blood katana plus a bone wand (or staff, either one). Once again, you can use this for commercial and non-commercial so long as you credit me as "Ungragu". Put 'em to good use!
  4. UngraguGaming

    RPG Maker Plethora of Odd Weaponry 2019-03-14

    Just a collection of odd weaponry I drew up. If using, please credit me as "Ungragu". For commerical and non-commerical use.
  5. DouglasJordao

    How to get an equipped weapon ID?

    Well... I'm writing a plugin that checks for weapons in inventory and for equipped weapons, store them in an array, take a random weapon and remove it from player (even if it's equipped). So far so good. The problem is, when I try to store the ID of the chosen weapon in a variable I got some...
  6. Lore

    Weapon Damage Formulas

    Hi folks, I'm developing some of my weapons in my project to have an adaptive damage modifier. For example, a sword that deals more damage the less health the character has, or a staff that boosts the healing effect on the target proportionate to the caster's max HP. (Each of these weapons...
  7. SalmonWine

    Brainstorming CRAZY Skills and Weapons

    Howdy everyone! My game Silence has been in development for quite some time, and I've had a lot of ideas. However, I'm kind of running low on steam, and need some help. I have 60 player skills in the game (one per character), 32 weapons, and 8 limit-beakers. However, I intend for these numbers...
  8. Lyon Media

    Feedback on Weapons Please.

    Me and my team are wanting to know if players prefer lots of different weapon options or little weapon options. The game we are developing right now has three damage types. Piercing, Slashing, and Blunt. Each one is best for different types of armor. So we need to have different weapon...
  9. Tennetry

    Combat System

    Does anyone know if there is a way to have a characters weapon visible throughout the entire combat, not just while striking. I am currently using Side View battle, with animated SV enemies and Weapon Animation. I would also like to be able to achieve this without drawing the weapon on to the...
  10. Chibae

    Star wars Lightsabers

    EvilChibi submitted a new resource: Star wars Lightsabers - star wars single hilt lightsabers as weapons for your games Read more about this resource...
  11. DarcHiro

    Graphics Weapon Animations-Ideas?

    I've made a icon into a weapon, and was wondering if there was any other ideas you guys had for me to make next? I plan to post them all when I'm done... Figured how to do a simple play animation: Use Missile Battler in the Weapons Animation They are mainly just edits, so you'll need to have...
  12. Xyphien


    AHHH! I've been going out of my way for so long to add this into games using countless different ways. There will not be a rune plugin for weapons. So you can add amazing attributes to your weapons, armor, etc. As seen in 3B How excited are you all at this?! It just keeps getting better :D