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  1. Lore

    Video/Sound Recording (for Tutorials, etc)

    Hi folks, I'm wanting to make a video of my Database setup tutorial, as well as potentially a beginning series of beginner tutorials. What I want to know is, for those who have done tutorials like this before, what screen capture/video recording, voice recording & video compilation software do...
  2. M

    Need Video Title Plugin, PLEASE. :)

    Hey, everybody! I've looked around, scoured the web, and read forums. I can't seem to find a working plugin that will let me just take a video file I have, loop it and use it as my title screen. I've found plenty of outdated ones that won't work, but I spent hours in Photoshop working this thing...
  3. jaye

    How to play a video when using skills?

    I tried to add it as a common event, but it doesn't work. The video is short and in .mp4 format. Does anyone know how to do this? Ex: When you click on attack, a video plays instead of the animation.
  4. jaye

    Quick Video Tutorial 'Bust Messages no Plugin'

    I created a short video on how to create a message with a bust without a plugin. It just uses picture commands. I hope it helps. Feel free to pause if need be! Thanks.
  5. Zarsla

    Updating RPG Maker MV Character Generator Files for 1.3.4

    Here's a video that shows how to update RPG Maker MV Character Generator Files for 1.3.4:
  6. samorious

    Tale of a Young Boy - Nerriëda Dynasty

    Introduction: The idea for the game started around 5 months ago. When I first discovered RPG Maker, after five months of learning I am stoked to show you my progress so far. All graphic art and gameplay is done by me: Samuel groot Wassink All the music is created by a good friend called: Levi...
  7. Myzt

    Any good and simple screen recorder for PC(windows)

    Any good and simple to use screen recorder for use for specific reasons ? Thanks :3
  8. Bizarre Monkey

    Esperia: Stronger Than You (Parody Music Video)

    I know I made a thread earlier about this, but this is a new upload with better sound balancing and it sounds just way better over all. I wrote the lyrics, sung the vocals and my company and I did most of the art. I also have to credit Michael Galefire, Celianna and Mack for some of the things...
  9. Katsumitsu

    Help! Can't add videos to my game!

    So, I was reading some posts about inserting videos on RPG Maker MV. I converted my .mp4 file to both .ogv and .ogg and pasted them on the movies folder. I added the run video event but my video didn't appear there! Help xnx
  10. Xyphien

    William TheUnproPro Shoutout

    So, William TheUnproPro just gave us a shoutout on his youtube video. He has 14k+ subscribers, so I'd like to thank him. If you'd like to check him out do so by clicking his name above :) Subscribe to him if you'd feel like it, he did take the time to make a video about the forum, and help us...