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  1. N

    Plugin for self-variables in common events

    Hi everyone! How are you? So I released an action rpg game about a year ago, and after a lot of updates I decided that the most intelligent thing to do was move each type of enemy to a common event so that I don't have to manually make every update in every single event in every single map. I...
  2. Axel

    Saving Pre-title-screen variable's value and use it later in the game

    Hey guys, as I say un the title, I wanna know how could I do to set a variable with a value before the title screen and then use it after the start of a new game or after loading a previous one. For example the variable 001: Apples save it with the value 4 before the title screen and be able to...
  3. Delta Venom

    [Solved] Scan Skill for Enemy Book / Store Enemy ID in Variable

    G'day I plan on using an Enemy Book Plugin, but want to show the entry in the book only after a certain skill is used on said Enemy. As no Enemy Book Plugin I've come across supports this feature naturally, i need a way to store the Enemy ID that this skill is used on so that i can do the rest...
  4. N

    Using variable as part of an identifier

    Hi! So in my game I use conditional branches to check the percentage of HP, MP, etc and for example if the result is 50 the game will show a life bar only half full using a Show picture event. The thing is I have several HUD items (HP, MP, Exp, and a couple more) and it takes about 400-500...
  5. Status Gear Entertainment

    [Advanced Logic] Random Event Terrain Variable Generation (RETVG)

    Hello everyone, StatusGearEntertainment is back and with a rare appearance of asking an event question. (Because I can nearly do everything and think of it with eventing and logic.) Refer to Diagram 1A. The Diagram 1A The Description The Problem Very Respectfully, StatusGearEntertainment