Indie Dev

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title graphic

  1. Alice Bunny

    Title Backs? Where can I find some and how to make it work?

    Hey, everybody! I'm back with a new, pretty basic request: Title backgrounds. I want to upload my own unique wallpaper for the title screen, but I can't seem to find a good place that keeps them. I'm also not sure what file types MV accepts for this sort of thing. The pics I uploaded to be used...
  2. Boy Who Codes

    [PAID]Custom Game Logo / Title Graphic Shop

    Welcome to my Custom Logo Shop! If you want me to make a logo for you, this is the shop you're looking for. Why did I open this shop? My in real life work has been finished and I have nothing to do. Aside from being a pass time for me, I'd like this to be a time for me to earn a few cent...