Indie Dev

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  1. Stevushka

    'TAT: The Life RPG' Series?

    Hey Everyone, I'm still in the early stages of development for my game, 'The Adventures Of Todd: A School RPG', but recently I've been thinking of the future of the game, and what I would work on next, after I finish TAT:ASRPG. Just the other day, I first thought of making DLCs for TAT:ASRPG...

    Ummmmm i need help

    Well my problem for now is the story of the game, at first i had an idea for a story but then its started to make no sense at all and i decide to remove my old cast and make a new one .... And this part is where i need you guys ..... I want you to create a story using these 4 characters like...
  3. Jaco Stander

    The Spirit of Twelve - Comments & Suggestions Welcome

    RELEASE DATE: END / LATE 2016 The story takes place in a high fantasy world. One summer night a mysterious object crash lands in Nidelium, the kingdom where our tale begins. The King and his Wizard retrieves it and returns it to the castle. The wizard inspects it but does not know what it is...
  4. Storytailor

    YEA or NAY: Romance

    I'll pose this as two questions: 1) Do you like having romance present in the games you play? 2) Do you like to incorporate an degree of romance into your own projects? I'm not anti-romance by any stretch - in fact I'm described as a romantic type - but man, does romance ever elude me in game...
  5. Storytailor

    Do You Have A Story Ready?

    Hey gang, first real thread, and it might as well be about something story-related, huh? With RPG Maker MV only eight days removed from the night of this post, I'm curious: do you have a story idea set? Are you transferring a game you're currently working on, are you in the middle of planning...