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  1. MugenDraco

    How to Choose Weapon Motion While Keeping Weapon Image for Skills

    Here's what I'm trying to do. I have all my Weapon Types set up, and certain Skills use the user's currently equipped weapon's animation instead of the generic cast animation. I've achieved this through Yanfly's Action Sequence Packs just fine. However, I'm trying to fine-tune it to get more...
  2. G

    [RMMV] [Plugin Request] Active Chain and Input Combo Skills

    Short: I'm seeking a conversion for Yanfly's Active Chain Skills and Input Combo Skills scripts from VX Ace to MV format for the benefit of the community as a whole. Long: This script would enable skills which, when performed in battle, would call for multiple options of player input to be...
  3. KazeHaru_Hime

    Plugin for adding traits to skills?

    Seems like the only way to give a temporary evasion buff is via a class trait or a weapon trait. Currently it doesn't seem to be possible to do that via a skill. Is there a plugin for this? Or how could this be done? Also, is there a way to get skills to activate passively in battle? like if I...
  4. BlizZaga

    Leveling System: Traits

    Hey everyone, I'd like some feedback on how to make a leveling system DECREASE a trait/stat, so, for example, if Vulnerability was high at Level 1, when you level up, it would go down instead of up. I guess all I'm asking is how to code this so a stat would decrease as you level up instead of...
  5. J

    Common Event-Based Skills

    Say that I wanted to create a skill that will allow a character to increase another character's ex-parameter or sp-parameter by a value relative to one of their own parameters. I.E.: Character A has 13 agility, and can use the skill to increase another character's evasion by 13%. Then, A levels...
  6. jaye

    How to play a video when using skills?

    I tried to add it as a common event, but it doesn't work. The video is short and in .mp4 format. Does anyone know how to do this? Ex: When you click on attack, a video plays instead of the animation.
  7. C

    Favorite skills and skill ideas in general?

    Hello all! I'm in the process of making a game, but I'm having a bit of trouble coming up with my skills. More specifically, I'm having trouble coming up with offensive skills for my warrior-type characters. So what are your favorite skills that you've come up with yourself or have seen...
  8. Senou_Tetsuka

    This is a really Complicated Skill :(

    Hello readers, I'm a new guy from the south east. working with Stories in RPG Maker MV is normal, but when I'm working with skills, mechanics, and gameplay I get really confused especially when working with Plugin Note tags and JavaScript there is a lot of stuff I want to make, and it is...
  9. SalmonWine

    Brainstorming CRAZY Skills and Weapons

    Howdy everyone! My game Silence has been in development for quite some time, and I've had a lot of ideas. However, I'm kind of running low on steam, and need some help. I have 60 player skills in the game (one per character), 32 weapons, and 8 limit-beakers. However, I intend for these numbers...
  10. Lore

    Elemental Skills Discussion

    Hi Folks, I'm currently in the process of developing skill trees for my classes and I've now hit a snag. In my game, there are 4 main characters, who each use 1 of the archtypes in my game: Fighter, Rouge, Mage & Ranger. Each character starts at the top of the tree class tree and throughout...
  11. Lore

    Skills & Traits Question

    Hi folks! I'm relatively new to making RPGs in VXAce and MV (I'm now using MV), and as part of my pre-planning process for a game I'm working on, I wanted to ask a question regarding class skills and traits. Also, I apologise if this has been asked before. I have a Paladin/Holy Knight class in...
  12. Cynter

    I need help with my new RPG/MMO

    Hey, I need help with mah game c: 1# Is there a way I could make items(swords, axes, etc), armor, hats, necklaces, boots etc. appear on my character ingame when I equip them from my inventory? 2# How to make a skill levelling + xp gain (from combat and training) script or something... It could...
  13. Gamescolar

    Weapon Damage Bonus vs. Class Script

    Good day! I'm currently looking for a script that will allow classes to have Damage % bonus for certain weapon types: Examples are like: Class: Fighter Weapon Proficiency: - Swords : +10% - Axes : +25% - Daggers: -10%...
  14. R

    Skills Requires Armor?

    Hello, I'd like to say I'm new here, since I just got MV up and running finally not too long ago... I know there are skills that can require weapons... is there a plugin out there where I can make it require armor instead? Like accessories and what not? Thanks in advance!