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  1. StarlitOcean

    Need help on a battle event.

    I tried Discord to talk to people about things but it didn't really work out much so, I'll try the forum again. I'm having trouble creating a certain event. The whole thing is, a character gives the player a potion that adds a "flawed" skill, named "Captain's Rage." What it's supposed to do is...
  2. Xyphien

    RPG Maker QMV Master Plugin - Action Combat, Line of Sight, Popups & More! 2019-02-24

    This product was made by quxios and I have complete permission to upload it on this website! This demo comes with the following: QUpdate QSight QPopup QPlus QPathfind QMovement QInput QABS + Skillbar QABS + Gauges QABS ================= What they do: QUpdate: A Plugin to check if your...
  3. Trumully

    Enable skill when state applied to enemy

    I've replaced guard in my game with a skill called Obliterate. I want this skill to only be able to target enemies with a Staggered state and instantly kill them also regaining health (like the Glory Kill in DOOM 4). I am currently using Yanfly's Auto Passive States to apply the Staggered state...
  4. Kiyunah

    Seeking Help W/ Creating A Skill

    Hello everyone! I hope you're doing well! I'm currently in the process of creating a story with my RPGMMV client; however, I'm currently experiencing issues with my one and only skill, and I can't seem to deduce what it is that I'm doing wrong! (aww) I've provided screenshots below, but what...
  5. Y

    Current Skill used in Battle and target

    SOLVED: (same was asked on the off forum, but with no answer so far) I 'd like to add random text to the message of a skill. I know where to add text for all skills used (in Window_BattleLog.prototype.displayAction), but can't figure out how to link current skill or target to a string. E.g...
  6. Walker's

    Stealing Spells from Enemies

    Hi Game Makers! There's a spell that I want to create, and I think this should be easy enough for anyone who has decent programming skills and knowledge of how Yanfly's engine works. Currently, there's two version of spell stealing by Yanfly. 1) Blue Magic - Auto steal spells when the...
  7. Delta Venom

    Skill Upgrade System / Toggle and Check Switches in Note-tags

    Heya I'm using Yanfly's Skill Learn System. I have 3 Skill Tiers. Skill 1, Skill 2, Skill 3. They are more Powerful versions of each other and once Skill 2 is learned, Skill 1 will be forgotten. The Problem is that Skill 1 can be learned again because of how the Plugin works. He're what i...
  8. Delta Venom

    [Solved] Scan Skill for Enemy Book / Store Enemy ID in Variable

    G'day I plan on using an Enemy Book Plugin, but want to show the entry in the book only after a certain skill is used on said Enemy. As no Enemy Book Plugin I've come across supports this feature naturally, i need a way to store the Enemy ID that this skill is used on so that i can do the rest...
  9. Mr. Trivel

    Damage Formulas 101 (MV Edition)

    Damage Formulas 101 MV Edition You probably wondered how to make a skill do more damage against enemies with a state, or heal more if player has a state, or deal exactly half of enemy's HP. And so on. All of that and more can be done through custom damage formula. Basics: Type - sets what...