Indie Dev

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  1. Swordferret

    Attack Power based on quantity of weapons

    Hi everyone, I'm trying to make a somewhat overpowered class with attack power based on the quantity of swords in the players inventory Any suggestions? Ive had no luck so far, as even with a variable that goes up attached to a common event, it only happens when the weapons are equipped. I know...
  2. Lark Monster

    Eventing Question

    So I made this example picture with the characters to show you a bit of an idea of what I want. Basically I want my character to be walking around (the blonde in this example) and Followers will be turned off, so it's just her walking on the map. When she interacts with certain events, I'd like...
  3. N

    Effective way to modify basic script

    I'm currently learning .Js right now and tried to modify menu right now straight to the problem : lets say , in drawActorSimpleStatus , its a function that draw all the status the actor has (name, level , class , hpbar , mpbar) in the default menu let's say I wanted to make the menu didnt draw...
  4. R

    Airship tileset

    Hi everyone! Does anyone know or have created an airship tileset that can be used in the MV? Together with friends I am working on a game that heavily involves airships (fantasy style ones) in the story. Thank you in advance for any info or help :)
  5. Neil London

    Dialog while event is moving but waiting till finished to start new dialog

    I hope this is in the right place I'm trying to start an event movement with dialog while it is moving, BUT I don't want the next dialog to start until the movement is completed and the event start moving again. From what I understand, you either have the event moving with no dialog until...
  6. Ashlehhh

    Hi~help please.

    Hi! I'm new here and I don't really know my way around, so I don't know where else to ask a question than here. I'm having a little bit of trouble. I'm trying to play test my game, and it opens for a second with a black screen, as if it was going to show the "powered by MV" thing, goes white...
  7. leaftails

    post facesets

    Howdy! i have some emotion facesets of aldo,dilara,eisele,hayatemaru,yaichi,rob and nina,can i post it here?
  8. leaftails

    Two styles of battle.

    Hello everyone! Im doing a act system at my game,and at some parts of the history i will need to change the sideview battle to frontal battle,is this possible with plugins or events?
  9. SalmonWine

    Bad/Overly-Ambitious Game Ideas

    Let me tell you a story about my attempted first game, The Four Fundamentally, if this game were to be made it would NOT be made in RMMV, but seeing as how it was the only program avaliable to me (on free trial, mind you) i tried to use it. It taught me a LOT of hard lessons about making games...
  10. Myzt

    RPG turn based system(core) dieing?!

    I'm seeing fewer RPG turn based system battle gameplay in PC/Mobiles, whilst I dun have a ps4...researched alot of em in the net Most seems to have left The TB...and went into CoC-type(IMO, I dun like it)/action(though I really like em x3)/fps(Ugh dizzy camera...and I suck xD)/hell even MMORPG...
  11. Myzt

    TP reduction state/skill , how?

    Juzt a simple question... How can I make a user (in-battle) have a state/skill that reduces his/her TP to "0" regardless of the TP needed? If plugin is needed...pls do specify what plugin it is Thanks :3
  12. samorious

    What domain name should I get

    So yeah, another thread by me :D I have got a question for you all. For a small company I own together with a friend called "Toxic Monkeys" we want to create a website. The only thing left is creating a domain name. Since the domain name is already been used I was thinking of...
  13. Myzt

    When a game is too Complicated or too Simple

    This question has Been boggling inside my head for when I play any kind of game... "When will you call a game , too COMPLICATED to actually play it ?" "And when will ya call a game too SIMPLE to actually play it too?" Wanna hear ya opinions :3
  14. Myzt

    LUK stat means in RMMV database ?

    Juzt a basic thing that I can't understand in MV database...what does LUK means and how does it function? Is it for item drop rate?or smth?
  15. Myzt


    OK...just a crazy question. I'm abit bothered by the Overkill(or similar thing) bonus of FFX ,DMC etc. Was that a very intentional thing to games or just an accident like "hey we could use this bug/glitch"? It's abit pointless question but...juzt curious :)
  16. Myzt

    Encounter rate 100!?

    Tried it...almost feels like when only got unlucky you get a battle encounter :3 What do you guys/gals think of setting the map encounter to 100? :D
  17. Myzt

    Any good and simple screen recorder for PC(windows)

    Any good and simple to use screen recorder for use for specific reasons ? Thanks :3

    how to do this......

    where the blue and red lines blue i want to dissapear when going behind the building and if i change my mind how would i make it reactivate, on the opposite directions also just go behind the building when behind use transparency =on and when out in open transparency =off please help I have...
  19. MinisterJay

    Do Some Forum Sections Not Count Towards the Discussions Count?

    I noticed that when creating a new thread in the Forum Games that the site's discussion count did not increase. Is this due to that only certain forums are actually put towards the official count? We are so close to 1,000. It was 998 before and after I posted a new game thread.
  20. Questions

    Make party members not follow you

    I 'm having troubles wording this. But how do you go about making the party members not follow. I want them to be in my party, and that's it.