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psychological horror

  1. MikomiKisomi

    Image of Perfection [Demo Available]

    Fight ghosts from your past and real ghosts. It's been a long month for Sirius- not talking to most of your friends, having an angry ex talk about you behind your back, and having a friend claim... that her house is haunted? The past few weeks have been long for Hailey as well, as her house has...
  2. T. Petrichor

    H I R A E T H

    Hello! Been working on my game for almost two years -- very close to being ready -- but still very far from the finish! Check it out on my :)
  3. Andreyla

    Baby is Hungry- Psychological Exploration Game

    Hi everyone, my story is finally out of the ideas stage and is in development. It's very early stages right now, but has been progressing nicely even though this is a one person project. A lot of my ideas and art haven't been perfectly finalized, but I would love your feedback all the same so I...
  4. T. Petrichor

    H I R A E T H

    This is the Clearing. These are your Companions. There's Princess Pocket the Persian. And Hesitate the Woodland King. Never forget Felix the Ghost Cicada. But you can only take one of them with you. Step into a surreal adventure in a corrupted dream world and join one of three...