Indie Dev

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  1. BlvckDmg

    I'm here now. -BlvckDmg's presentation

    Hey hi everybody ! With what should I start hum, well I'm a 23 years old French Canadian, so I speak normally French. I was using RMXP when I was like 15-16, than RMVX came out and than I stopped a long time ago. Now I'm here. I dont have any projects for the moment....
  2. Dogestar

    Dogestar Production

    Hello folks, i nearly finished my first huge project (1 year and 7 months of developpement) and decided to join the community since my first creation is about to be released in the weeks to come. So first of all, yes, im a baguette, it can sometimes explains the level of my english which is a...
  3. Admiral Crayon

    Hello, I am me

    Username : AdmiralCrayon Name : Lord Goldon of the Spectrum lands, my friends call me Jesus because I can walk on cucumbers. Cucumbers are 98% water and Jesus can walk on water, therefore I am Jesus. Gender : Boy on mondays, overly manly on other days of the week. Hobbies : Video games...
  4. JackX

    Hello everyone!

    Nice to meet you, I'm happy to be here! My specialty is the creation of scenarios and complex events
  5. Hymmitjah

    Hello, all ^^

    Hello, new person here (obviously!X3). I've been creating with RM software for a while now, and made many maps (I love mapping) and unfinished projects. I acquired RMMV quite recently, so I plan on starting my previous VXA project all over since it will be easier to share my progress (web game...