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plugin help

  1. Alice Bunny

    Can't get Yanfly's Core Engine to work right.

    Hello, I just downloaded the Core Engine from Yanfly into MV and messed around with some of the perimeters to get them to change. However, nothing seems to change. For example, I changed the Max Level to be 100, that did nothing. I went and tried a note tag for the effect in an Actor's notes and...
  2. A13XIS

    [answered] Jump between windows

    Hi there. :) I'm trying to create a Battle Actor Selection. The Battle system has a maximum of 3 slots which have different side effects, so I need one ("Command")window to select the slot and a second one to select a character. Now this "window jumping" does occur in the standart BS as well...
  3. Shiro

    Class with Two-handed Weapon & Dual Wield

    Hello! I would like to create a class which can use bows (two-handed weapon) and also daggers/swords/axes (one-handed weapons). The problem is if I use the dual wield tag the character can also carry two bows. I want to prevent this. The other issue: Swords & Axes are also used by other...
  4. Myzt

    -1~100% TP,MP,HP regeneration (plugin problem)

    I know this is abit of an unfamiliar problem...but @Mr. Trivel Is it possible for your "Skill time reaction plugin" to cause this state effect: -100% TP/MP/HP regenaration w/c the effect I want to happen is turn "0" TP/MP/HP of the user when the state happens w/ the skill time reaction...? I...