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plugin commands

  1. Sonicfx07

    Completed Gun Based Action Combat

    Hi guys, This time I need a unique kind of combat system for my game. How I plan on making it work is battles are real time and are initiated by touching an enemy on the "outside" or "inside" map. Overworld map battles are initiated at random where no enemies are seen wandering. When in battle...
  2. Theonean

    Tile Swap Problems

    Hey guys it's me(you probably won't recognize me) I am trying to include the tile swap plugin in my game because I want,no NEED to use it. I wasn't able to find any comprehensive guides to the subject and was wondering inf anyone could lead me into it?
  3. Lore

    Weapon Damage Formulas

    Hi folks, I'm developing some of my weapons in my project to have an adaptive damage modifier. For example, a sword that deals more damage the less health the character has, or a staff that boosts the healing effect on the target proportionate to the caster's max HP. (Each of these weapons...
  4. Shiro

    Class with Two-handed Weapon & Dual Wield

    Hello! I would like to create a class which can use bows (two-handed weapon) and also daggers/swords/axes (one-handed weapons). The problem is if I use the dual wield tag the character can also carry two bows. I want to prevent this. The other issue: Swords & Axes are also used by other...
  5. Starbird

    [Scripting] - How to call a plugin command in script

    I'm using Darkkitten's text input plugin and I would like to be able to pass it arguments directly from a script instead of eventing the plugin command. Does anyone happen to know how to call a plugin command via javascript?
  6. LTN Games

    [Scripting] Plugin Command Arguments

    So after playing around with the plugin command method, I noticed a few strange issues with it. For starters what if someone else is using the same command name as me, for example: I use CutomPop in my script for a plugin call, but what if someone else used this in their scripts, would this not...