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  1. D

    Is a plugin rewriting RMMZ codebase into ES6 standard a good idea?

    I think such a plugin has at least the following potential advantages: 1. Those avoiding direct prototyping like a plague can work with an ES6 version 2. Those not being familiar with ES5 don't have to learn this outdated approach, especially when it's just for writing RMMZ plugins 3. As this...
  2. CT_Bolt

    RPG Maker Custom Timer System 1.1

    Title: CT_Bolt's Timers System Current Version: v1.10 Description: An extremely customize-able timer system for RPG Maker MV Feature List: List coming soon, very very many to list. Screenshots Settings & Examples How to Use (basic use): For the following...
  3. S

    How would I add the Chicken into my party and in battles

    I am looking to have the chicken as a battling Character. I want the chicken to be able to fight in the battles with my other party members. How would I go about doing this. Any plugins that can do this would be helpful.
  4. Xyphien

    RPG Maker QMV Master Plugin - Action Combat, Line of Sight, Popups & More! 2019-02-24

    This product was made by quxios and I have complete permission to upload it on this website! This demo comes with the following: QUpdate QSight QPopup QPlus QPathfind QMovement QInput QABS + Skillbar QABS + Gauges QABS ================= What they do: QUpdate: A Plugin to check if your...
  5. CT_Bolt

    Need Help - Make a pixi-filter that only effects the battle background? [Filter Controller Plugin by Tsukimi]

    Using Filter Controller Plugin by Tsukimi (cji3bp62000): Click Here to View Does anyone know how it is possible to make a filter that only effects the battle background? Thanks for reading. (cute)
  6. Desro

    HPDS Jump Plugin

    HPDS Jump Plugin v1.0.0 Michael Hernandez @highplainsdesignstudio Introduction The HPDS Jump Plugin allows the game player to jump when pressing the "ok" button. The player jumps in the direction that they are facing if they are able to jump. Get Plugin Master Plugin List github HPDS Plugin...
  7. yomaniac

    Trouble with the Terrax Lighting Plugin

    Hi, I am using this plugin and everything is working fine with some lights I made accept the colour. I have the right code in for the color I want to use but it is still showing a white colour, however sometimes when my followers go on it the correct colour appears on them. Any ideas on how to...
  8. yomaniac

    Rapid Button Press?

    I am trying to make a mechanic where the player needs to rapidly press a key on the keyboard to continue the game, if they fail then it's game over. Anyone know how to do this?
  9. B

    Daily quest plugin

    Hi. I have an idea for a plugin. It would be a "Daily quest plugin". The plugin would work in such a way: downloading the date from the system (eg clock available in the game) -> drawing a task from the database at 00:00 -> active task is available in the menu -> after completing the current...
  10. DragonX7

    Show Max HP/MP values above 9999

    So, I have a skill/state that doubles the player's Max HP. It shows fine when at 9999, but when it goes above 9999, it still tries to fit the numbers within the width of whatever default is in place. Aesthetically, it doesn't look right. Does anyone know how to fix this so that all status...
  11. O

    Specifics of plugin coding - Scene flow and API

    Hey guys! Background I wanted to do a scene from scratch - something pretty different which has physics, some collision detection in "real time" and so on. So obviously I started working on my own plugin, but I could not find very good documentation of the engine anywhere. I want to really...
  12. Alice Bunny

    Can't get Yanfly's Core Engine to work right.

    Hello, I just downloaded the Core Engine from Yanfly into MV and messed around with some of the perimeters to get them to change. However, nothing seems to change. For example, I changed the Max Level to be 100, that did nothing. I went and tried a note tag for the effect in an Actor's notes and...
  13. K

    Actor Command Sub-Menu Plugin Request

    I would like to request a plugin that would add a sub menu to certain commands in battle. Here's an exemple of what I mean: Let's say actor 1 can use 3 types of weapons and 5 types of magic. Each weapon has at least 10 skills and each type of magic has 15 spells. That means the actor would have...
  14. ensignkris

    Change terms shown on the menu screen?

    So in the menu screen of "Items" it normally shows item, weapon, armor and key item. But for the game I'm making, I have no need for the weapon and armor. I know that i can rename the 'key item' to anything in the system, but can I remove those weapon and armor tab? Is it possible with a plugin or?
  15. Theonean

    Tile Swap Problems

    Hey guys it's me(you probably won't recognize me) I am trying to include the tile swap plugin in my game because I want,no NEED to use it. I wasn't able to find any comprehensive guides to the subject and was wondering inf anyone could lead me into it?
  16. jaye

    Conditional Branches in Script

    I am trying to write my own plugin, but I can't figure out how to correctly write a two conditional script. For example: if (item id equals this and switch is on) { then do this } Does anyone know how to properly script this statement? Thank you in advance!
  17. Lark Monster

    FFVIII Draw System & Summons

    I really have no idea if this is in the right place or not...sorry in advance if it's not. :( Right now I am mostly tinkering around and learning things (I just got RPG Maker MV about a week ago...), and I have a few ideas for what I want to do but almost no idea how to accomplish it. I have...
  18. Stevushka

    Mission log / Protagonists journal?!?

    Hey everyone. As I get closer and closer to the point where I will have everything I need to start making my game in RPG Maker, The more I need to start thinking about how to implement the features that I want. One of the features I want to add is a Players journal that updates from new...
  19. Tsuyoi Raion

    [Paid Request] YEP-GabWindow Edit

    Hello everyone! I am currently using the YEP-GabWindow as my main discussion box instead of a side gab as the script was designed to do, since there's not a lot of custom window systems, at least ones that offer more diversity, I went with this. What I need is for the gab windows to work like...
  20. L

    Events move after player/trigger? (Plugin/Event)

    Hello there! New fella here, trying to get myself introduced to the world of RPGMMV, been using the older versions but never finished a game, but now im interested in doing so. *Ehem* This thread here i made it to ask gently for a referal; I am in need of a plugin/event mechanic to make events...