Indie Dev

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  1. AceOfAces

    Play test a MV game with BrowserSync

    Sometimes, you need to play-test an MV game in a browser. However, trying to run the game through the index.html file will result in crashes. Using BrowserSync (a Node.js module), we can set up a local server in seconds and test it, without having to set up server software (unless you need to...
  2. Bishiba

    Looking for playtesters.

    Hi there! So I am looking for a very small amount of playtesters. I've been working on my game off and on for a few years now and it's gotten to a point were me and my friends know the game all to well to be able to do any proper testing... not to mention the hundreds of hours we've spent...
  3. I

    RPGLand: Development Updates

    Hello, fans of RPG Maker games. I'm working on a game called RPGLand. This thread will be used for updates regarding the game's development. I will also answer most questions about the about the game. I am open to suggestions and feedback on my game. On rare occasions, I will let users...
  4. SalmonWine

    Recruitment for Silence

    Silence is designed to be a very atypical RPG. It features no elemental system, heavy focus on stat re-balance through equipment, and planning your turn based on a the speed of your party and the effects of skills. For more info on silence, you can view the main thread here...
  5. Storytailor

    Critiquing Guidelines?

    I may have missed this and I apologize, but is there a post near the feedback/playtesting realm discussing how to be a good critic? I think a huge downfall for a number of communities is that they end up with a bad mix of new people who don't know how to honestly critique and experienced people...