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  1. CT_Bolt

    Need Help - Make a pixi-filter that only effects the battle background? [Filter Controller Plugin by Tsukimi]

    Using Filter Controller Plugin by Tsukimi (cji3bp62000): Click Here to View Does anyone know how it is possible to make a filter that only effects the battle background? Thanks for reading. (cute)
  2. B

    "" How find and fix it?

    Hi, guys! When I press F8 while game testing on MV, it shows "missing, and". I don't know what to do, 'cause I got the last update of MV and Pixi, and I uptaded my project too, so, apparently, everything is ok. All plugins that I'm using are...
  3. trapless

    please help understand some pixi stuff

    1. what is new equivalent to vxa Viewport? is it Stage? 2. to move the whole stagt(child sprites included) i gotta execute (; ) to update it like: Example_Stage.prototype.moveRightBy = function (distance) { this.x +=...