Indie Dev

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  1. masterofcoin

    Riches and wealth to all!!!

    The name Master of coin it is a honor to be around other bright and very talented people thanks for having me and I hope you will like my game I'm in a way proof reading it lol but keep a look out in the resource page I believe.
  2. Devonttaie McCarthy

    I need more people to make peds.

    I'm looking forward for more people and monster as well tilesets but people aren't enough but I don't know how to make 128x128 sprites that matches RPG Maker MV's people.
  3. MinisterJay

    Completed Ball People

    Taking an idea from a game I thought of last year called Losing My Marbles, and making a new set of ball peoples. Teaser of Base BallPeople1: About to test it. If it works any way near my last attempt, my ribs are going to be hurting.