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  1. CT_Bolt

    RPG Maker Custom Timer System 1.1

    Title: CT_Bolt's Timers System Current Version: v1.10 Description: An extremely customize-able timer system for RPG Maker MV Feature List: List coming soon, very very many to list. Screenshots Settings & Examples How to Use (basic use): For the following...
  2. MugenDraco

    Keeping an NPC In a Region

    I want to keep a randomly moving NPC inside a certain area. I've marked this area with a Region ID of 1. I have a Parallel event running to check if the NPC's random movements take her outside of Region 1. I'm using a conditional statement, and the If clause is the following script...
  3. Gamescolar

    Distracted NPC Patrols

    Good day! Is there a way for a patrolling NPC to approach an event? Ex: placing a slab of meat on the floor will cause the roaming wolf to approach it, hence giving the player a chance to sneak through. If there is an existing script or an actual method in the engine, point-outs are very...
  4. CloudSoma

    Side View Actor Enemy Help

    I'm pretty sure this is the help thread and if it is not I do apologize please lead me to the right one but anyways This is my first time on these forums and first time even using RPG Maker at all and I'm stuck. I need to set up an NPC actor as a sideview enemy I have the yanfly plug in...
  5. FelixSynth

    If you were an NPC...

    If you were an NPC in a standard fantasy RPG. What would you say to the player?