Indie Dev

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new guy

  1. breakMe

    What's up

    Hey, I just bought rpg maker MV a few days ago and I can't wait to start making games;)
  2. L

    A random beard appeared!

    Hi guys, My name is Didier, I'm live in the Netherlands and study music! I had RPGMaker 2000 back when I was little kid (never made anything impressive back then). I'm getting back into it now, as I love this puppeteers-masterplan-overview-strategy way of creating things. And I really need to...
  3. Neil London

    New to the site and RPG Maker!

    Hello all! I am new to the site, obviously, and also new to RPG Maker MV. I spent some time on my "About Me" section and it really introduces me well so I'm just going to paste it here if that is okay with everyone! Since I'm very knew I'm here to learn what I can from everyone! Thanks! Section...
  4. Ethan Daves


    Hello to whomever is reading this. My name is Ethan. I'm 19 and have had a passion for computers and video games since I was 12. Just recently I was able to purchase RPG Maker MV, and have started slowly designing my own rpg. Which is why I'm here. I lack many skills that are needed but with...
  5. Leyn

    A small friendly Introduction

    Hello there I go by the name Leyn, it isn't my real name but somwhat my dreamname. If only just recently gotten in making RPGs and still have a long way to go, so I hope I could get some simple advises on what to concentrate on first and maybe on some other topics. Well there's not much to say...
  6. Mr. Protoman

    I'm very new around here

    Hello, I am Mr. Protoman (TheMysterykid14 on Deviantart) and I'm here to do what everyone does, using stuff and asking for help when a Problem in-game happens, that's it. My DA page:
  7. DaedraKyne

    New member arrived: THE GAMER!!

    Hey there, all of you rpg maker pros! I have a lot of projects in mind, but can't do it at all without you guys' help, so if you could help, it'd be wonderful ;) I'm a young member, and a bit of a newbie at rpg maker mv, so yeah, don't expect much for now XD If you want someone to test your...
  8. GandalftheCat


    Hello! Im new! Nice to meet you all!
  9. Avarice

    Staple Introductory Post of Every Newbie

    This post will gain me the final 30% needed to complete my profile. Might as well do it right. RPGMakerMV Community, Hi! I am Aaron "Avarice" Sales. My main purpose here is to lurk and take resources. My next purpose would be to provide interesting insights and spark engaging conversations...
  10. SoulofMischeif

    New RM User

    Hey I'm new to RM but not new to the idea of game design I'm already working on my first game and have 3 maps finished
  11. ThymolBlues

    Hey there! Just introducing myself.

    I always wanted to make games ever since I discovered that I could control pixels on a screen. Well here I am. I'm not very good at anything but i'm willing to learn. I'm nearing the end of my high school years and will be moving onto college soon. Couple things I love doing are: Designing...
  12. Run

    Hello to Everyone!

    Hi, I'm Thomas, 23, from Ireland. I'm a software developer primarily using Java. I'm new to RPG Maker and since I know some javascript, I plan on making as many plugins and scripts as I can. I'm currently working on a randomized loot plugin, I've only started it today but have already made good...
  13. Panman14

    Realistic Shop System

    Before I start, i'm not entirely sure where to post this so if this has to be moved or whatever my bad. I wanted to know if there was a way to make a more realistic shop system where you (the player) go to a shelf in the shop, grab the item(s) of interest then go to the counter to checkout. I...
  14. Iron Croc

    Voice Actor and Musician at your service.

    Good day, ladies and gentlemen! Codename: Iron Croc here. I am slowly-but-surely making the plunge into RMMV. Although I don't currently have the software, that doesn't mean I can't make connections with people and still contribute music and things. :D It's great to be here! For starters, I...