Indie Dev

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new game designer

  1. breakMe

    What's up

    Hey, I just bought rpg maker MV a few days ago and I can't wait to start making games;)
  2. Swordferret


    Hi I've been working on some small projects for a bit and have been silently lurking these forums for advice, so I figured I should just join up! Hello and thanks to everyone whom I stalked for answers to rpg maker questions!
  3. SoapySlayer403

    Hello im a new mapper!

    Hello I'm new to RMMV but I love mapping its my favorite aspect of the software! Getting to create beautiful things! I hope by joining this website I can gain more game making knowledge!
  4. Phynal

    HELLLO! New member here!

    Hello to all the new and old! I am excited to start my journey into making my own RPG here! I am starting a game based on my childhood with my cousin and best friend. We have always loved RPGs over all other games, and with the chance now to create our own game how could we not?! Anyway, it is...
  5. Stevushka

    I'm New!

    Hi, I'm new to RPG Maker, I just bought RPG Maker MV recently and first used it for a school project. I'm better as a designer and a programmer than I am as an artist or composer, but I try my best. As I'm trying to learn the program in it's entirety, I hope to make great games and other content...
  6. DaedraKyne

    New member arrived: THE GAMER!!

    Hey there, all of you rpg maker pros! I have a lot of projects in mind, but can't do it at all without you guys' help, so if you could help, it'd be wonderful ;) I'm a young member, and a bit of a newbie at rpg maker mv, so yeah, don't expect much for now XD If you want someone to test your...
  7. SoulofMischeif

    New RM User

    Hey I'm new to RM but not new to the idea of game design I'm already working on my first game and have 3 maps finished
  8. William Worth

    Hi everyone! I am so greatful for this community!

    Hello to everyone! My name is William Worth, but most of my friends call me Billy. My very first RPG ever was Final Fantasy for the NES. When I opened the box and pulled out that map, it was the beginning of something special. I never will forget hiding under my bedsheets with a flashlight...