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  1. CT_Bolt

    RPG Maker Main Menu on Map 1.10b (compatibility fix is now fixed. lol)

    Menu directly on Map (with events/animated tiles/etc. running in BG) Also added an optional 'Cancel' Command to the menu list. Enjoy! Happy Game Making! (cute)(icecream)
  2. Mr. Open

    Borderless map? Need help.

    Hi! (heart) I'm looking for a way to make my map constantly repeated; without borders. What I mean is, the map would connected from all sides and whenever player crosses the "Western border" of the map he appears on the "Eastern border of the map". Is there a way to do so? (tongue) I haven't...
  3. jaye

    TypeError Problem

    I am creating a custom save screen script and I am adding the location when saving a game. It works fine the initial save, then when you return to title it works. The problems comes when you refresh the game or close and open it again. When I do that the 'type error' message pops up. It says...
  4. Theonean

    Theonean-the studying-hardworking-mapmaker

    Wow thats one hell of a title. Alright so to start off: im 17 live in Switzerland and will not disclose further private details :p(sorry for all the people stalking me) However: I thouroughly enjoy using RPGmaker MV and love to make maps,learn to use the gui and maybe even one day learn to...
  5. N

    Map to Map Transfer

    Friends i just loaded the latest from RPG Maker MV and created my World Map and then my first town but when i go to create an event to go from the world map to the town it will not save the MAP002 My World Map is MAP001 and my town is MAP002. Do i need to have the town map under the world map...
  6. Arythorn

    Carrying Events Over Maps

    So, in the game I am creating, I have a Time system. I was wondering is there was ANY way to get this time system to carry over across my entire game... Yes, I will break my rule and use pluginsif necessary... (Cause for those of you who don't know, I did originally say I would no use any!). As...
  7. Johan Liebert

    [SOLVED] Grid drawing

    Hello everybody I'm desiigning (right) a movement based grid system for my game. I already did the math necessary for it and I even also got it to display it on map using the BindPictureToMap script to tie a picture to every tile where the grid must be displayed. So 'why are you here you might...
  8. Companion Wulf

    Map/Compass HUD

    Companion Wulf submitted a new resource: Map/Compass HUD - Displays a window on the map showing the map name, direction and player coordinates. Read more about this resource...
  9. long88long

    shortcut keys

    Hi there, I am new of RM , When I try to make my first map , I spent a lot of time to fight with the tiles. Is there any shortcut keys for working with maps? Have a nice day!
  10. Luninareph

    Advice on making world maps

    Does anybody have any tips for how to make good world maps? For some reason I find designing them quite difficult.