Indie Dev

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  1. CT_Bolt

    RPG Maker Custom Timer System 1.1

    Title: CT_Bolt's Timers System Current Version: v1.10 Description: An extremely customize-able timer system for RPG Maker MV Feature List: List coming soon, very very many to list. Screenshots Settings & Examples How to Use (basic use): For the following...
  2. Key

    Trading Card Game Help

    Hey there! I was hoping to make a game similar to the Yu-gi-oh Tag Force series. Your character attends school and has classic life events that you must play through while also building a deck of cards to battle others with. Obviously there will be a story and multiple side missions to...
  3. MinisterJay

    RPG Maker Game Jam with Prizes

    This Monday, there will be a three week long game jam. Rules: 1. It must be made with an RPG Maker game engine. 2. Only RTP assets can be used. NO non-RTP resources including: images, audio files, plugins, scripts, etc., may be used. If it did not come with the game engine, it cannot be...
  4. Whalfar

    Whalfar says hello

    Hello everyone.I'm Whalfar, im a german artist and i draw creatures. a Friend told me, that i could draw Creature-Sets for the RPG-Maker community and YEAH i will do it! Of course everything will be free for download. So i will create a Huge amount of Monster-Sets. Every set will include, 8...
  5. sage

    What are your favorite RPG Maker games?

    There are a lot of RPG Maker games out there. Many good ones, and many more bad ones. Which ones are your favorite? Is there something you think that a RM game has to have in order to grab your attention early on? What turns you away from a RM game? What types or genre of RM games are your...
  6. Xyphien

    2016 RMMV Awards!

    Hello RMMVers! 2016 is over, and 2017 has begun! This means it's time for our first ever Game Awards! The following games are available to vote. In order to vote simply cast your vote using the poll here: Mystery Dorm Author:MUHD ADIB One Day Left Author:Dad3353 Skelee's Halloween...
  7. DolorIpsum

    Worst Game Ever Event?

    After being inspired by the recent Halloween contest as well as the visual novel Atashi no Riri, which was made for a "worst visual novel ever" contest, I wish to host a Worst RPG Maker Game Ever event! In one month, people, either individual or in teams, will have to create a game that is the...
  8. Cynter

    I need help with my new RPG/MMO

    Hey, I need help with mah game c: 1# Is there a way I could make items(swords, axes, etc), armor, hats, necklaces, boots etc. appear on my character ingame when I equip them from my inventory? 2# How to make a skill levelling + xp gain (from combat and training) script or something... It could...
  9. Bizarre Monkey

    Crowfeast (MV) Development Preview

    I just started today so don't expect anything big for AAAGES but here is what is so far implemented in the crowfeast game. -Idle Poses -Walk Poses -Run Poses -Messageboxes are pretty much where I want them, already. Here's a video showing all that. I also finally got my chance to use that...
  10. Jxudo

    Whispers of Fate Announcement

    Hello all, I just figured that I would finally announce my game, Whispers of Fate, just to see if I get anyone to be interested in my project. First of all I'd like to say that I have technically been working on it for about 3 years now, though I have had some troubles with it and I, at one...
  11. Khayalan

    RPG Maker MV on g2a [CHEAP]

    Hey RPG-Makers :) Today i saw that g2a sells RPG Maker MV really cheap :) At a price of 40,69€ (44,85$) i think its really good (G2A-Shield included), its a Steam-Key btw. >Link<* -Khayalan *This is a Referral-Link (because im using g2a), so i get a little amount of money, if you buy...
  12. kikih66

    Hello everyone :D

    Hi ! My name is Kevin, i'm a french student, I love video games and RPG Maker. I discovered this forum today and I think i'm going to learn a lot of things here :D Have a nice day ;)
  13. Xyphien

    RMMV Text Commands

    Hello everyone, I'm going to show you all how to customize your RMMV chat! I'm unsure if you know, but you can change the font color and font size for everything. You're able to change the font color by simply putting in the following text before a word: \c[0] \c[1] \c[2] \c[3] \c[4] \c[5]...
  14. Xyphien

    MV Previews

    Here will be all the latest previews/leaks for RPG Maker: rpg maker mv will come with Fantasy + Sci-Fi tilesets on release if you pre-order the program. The character creator is something that looks absolutely amazing, and with this sprite sheet, you should be able to make some amazing...