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  1. ensignkris

    Change terms shown on the menu screen?

    So in the menu screen of "Items" it normally shows item, weapon, armor and key item. But for the game I'm making, I have no need for the weapon and armor. I know that i can rename the 'key item' to anything in the system, but can I remove those weapon and armor tab? Is it possible with a plugin or?
  2. Kelvyn

    Equipe a Weapon from Item menu.

    I know that Equipaments just can be equipped by equipaments menu, but I need a way to make this in Item menu, maybe some plugin, etc ;-; If someone could help-me I will be thankful!
  3. SteveHead

    Open an Item Box during a dialog

    Hello ! I have a very important question for my game. I want to do a phase like Ace Attorney games where the player can, by pressing the key PageUp, open a sort of Item Box where he can see the key items he got with a little description. Did you know how it can be possible ? PS: Excuse my very...
  4. jaye

    Can anyone fix this code?

    this._picture.bitmap = ImageManager.loadPicture(this._item()); How do I make it so that it shows the current item, but also changes with item selection. Solved!
  5. DolorIpsum

    Wanting to Modify Item Menu

    For the game I'm trying to make, a side-scrolling puzzle adventure game, I only need 1 section for my Item Menu. I was hoping to be able to have something similar to the XaiL System (XS) Item Mini or Item Minified, both by Nicke on rpgmakerweb. An example of what I'd like is a modified variation...
  6. Nelsares

    dropping item animation

    I think this post is in the right thread topic, I want my character to drop a certain item for the cutscene. Drop the item like while walking in the market not in battle can someone please help me? google is not helping me I guess I'm the only one interested in this. Thanks in advance
  7. Lore

    Tutorial - Gold & EXP Drops

    Hey guys! This is my second tutorial, and in this one I'm going to go over my method of determining Gold & Experience Drops. Now, there are several tutorials relating to this out there (including one from @Driftwood Gaming here on the forums), and they may work for you. Every game is going to be...
  8. Beminfire

    Help with Horror Game

    Hi, I'm making a horror game in RPG Maker MV. When I open up the Item menu i want to make it so you don't see the Weapons and Armor options because I won't use them. Also I would like the player to only have 1 save slot and when they save no menu pops up for it and just saves to the one file...