Indie Dev

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introducing myself

  1. HummingDeath

    Greetings from the [Maiden of Death]

    Hai! \(^v^)/ I'm HummingDeath, the Maiden of Death. I started writing a book, but then I decided that I wanted to make it interactive with a lot of freedom. That is why I am here... Of course I will try to make a short game first, to try out this thing. And only if i finish this short game, will...
  2. Hank McGurk

    Hank McGurk: New Member 05.19.2018

    Longtime RPG Maker VX Ace & MV User. Amatuer JS programmer. Proficient with GIMP and other asset editors. Experienced game modder, extensive Fallout 4 modding experience. View my YouTube channel and Steemit Blog to catch up on my latest projects. Email me if you have questions or collabs...
  3. A

    Hi, I'm Chef

    The forum told me to introduce myself, so here I am. EDIT: Parts of message removed because of personal information. I'm Chef and new to the forum, so far so good. At the moment I'm working on a game in MV for Android and Steam. It's an open world exploration game with collectables and light...
  4. victhompson

    Hey there!

    Hi guys, I`m an old RPG afficionado. Have being around in some tables as a dungeon master and also tried my ways in design games back in to the RPG Maker 2k era. Aiming to get back now. As I consider myself some sort of writter (used to do it more often, though), I really like to debate and...
  5. Androalex88

    Hi, iam Alex (28)

    .. i found this great site a few days back and iam very exited to be here ... i just startet out with the whole RPG Maker thing but it is great and iam learning new things every hour .. i just finished my first game ... well, it is more a first try XD .. but im getting there .. i realized...
  6. Prime Games

    *Insert Clever Introduction Here*

    Yo! I'm just a new game creator here who likes to think that they specialize in writing stories and settings and characters and what not. Just decided to say HELLO COMMUNITY!
  7. BenDemonator

    Huru From the "Guru" ("Burke's Backyard" reference there!)

    Damn right you are. And, I will be your teacher. And, yes, Ferris Bueller will be back and centre in the classroom, probably dozing off again. Hello to y'all. I am new to the whole RPG Maker MV realm, and I have just started utilising various resources to populate my new "project". It is in the...
  8. Ricky Vue


    Hi guys! New to RPG Maker! Hope we can help each other out!
  9. Lore

    Greetings & Salutations

    G'day folks! Lore's my name, hailing from that great big island in the middle of nowhere, Australia. :) I'm new to making RPGs, so please forgive me if I seem to ask silly questions. ;) Everyone has to start somewhere :) So again, g'day, and I'm looking forward to learning from you fine folk. :)
  10. Terozu

    HI there!

    I'm Terozu, that's a portmanteu of Teru and Rozu, it means bright rose, I'm a newbie pixel, artist like super noob style, I'm working on a pirate game with no definite name yet, I found this site while looking for Ship tiles and I found ADV Ship here, it's an awesome tileset and it can be used...
  11. Tigre_Aposema

    Hi! Hola!

    (My atempt of speaking) English Hi im Tigre_Aposema! I still dont know how I want pepople to call me in here so I´ll use this name for now. I speak and understand english but my main language is spanish. Thats why most of my games that i will make will be on spanish first, and then I will...
  12. DHP14

    New Comer :)

    Hi guys, I am not that new to RPG Maker, but recently upgraded to MV and thought, its time to get serious. I can say that I am a Hardcore Gamer (Maybe not), and I like Animes so much :) English is not my native language, so pardon me for mistakes in spelling and grammar. I guess that is a few...
  13. UnbornHexa

    Coming into the community

    Mornin' to you all pals, My name is UnbornHexa as I'm known in some places on internet. I'm new to the MV community,I have used a lot of RPG Maker before but I have retired from this kind of gaming making for some years now. I'm good at writing plot,making characters and anything you need to...