Indie Dev

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introduce myself!

  1. riono_cean

    Well, hello to you all :D

    Hello to you all, guys. The name's riono_cean. I'm still new in this community and I'm gonna love spending my time reading and learning every basic of game making from you all :D
  2. FillisFelicis

    Hello there :D

    Hi (blush) My name is Anna. I live in germany and my english is veeeery bad :,D so, sorry for the bad introducing (glee) I'm very new in mapping and anything else with MV. I have also XP but with this program, I've even less knowledge :,D *sad violin music playing*(silent) And that's why...
  3. Heliodore

    Hello i'm new

    Hello everyone, i'm new on this website and i'm french !
  4. Mihnea

    Introducing myself.

    Name and experience with RPG maker MV Thought I'd introduce myself to this new world I've entered.I'm Mihnea, but just call me Mi, it's for the better for all of us. I'm half a year (or more if you count the time I used a cracked version) into developing with RPG maker MV. You might find only...
  5. dobiko

    Just Hello ;)

    Hey hello! I am a beginner graphic designer and I create a simple game in rpg maker mv / ace. My hobby is all fantasy and cyberpunk! I am counting on good contacts here on the forum! : D
  6. NTMonday

    Hello ^^

    Hello I'm NTMonday! It's kind of weird name but I can't think of anything good... I'm a newbie in this field, I just load RPG maker mv and try to create my first project. I'm SUPER SUCK at programming , my only skill is probably art TT I may not be that much useful but I really love fantasy...
  7. Createocon

    Hello all :3 Happy To Be apart of this community :3

    Hi, I'm Mike... I am an Artist that Makes video games. I've been using RPG Maker since about 2006 or '07... But only recently have I have finally learned how to properly communicate to RPG Maker,, so now I'm hoping to finally make it a permanent tool in my Dev pipeline.(something I have been...
  8. Vallaine

    Hello o7 (introduce myself :D)

    hi, im Vallaine :D nothing special, just playin video games, drawing weird animu stuff and designing some RPG maker maps :D
  9. pianotm


    I'm pianotm and I spend most of my time on RMN. I'm not really big into RMMV. I'm mostly a user of 2K3 and VX Ace, but I use it from time to time and am using it for IGMC 2017, so I may as well involve myself with the MV community.
  10. HanHP

    Hello everyone

    I'm new here and I'm currently making a new game ! I need some help for the modern resources
  11. Doc_Xcer

    Hi, kids

    The name is Chris, I'm starting to get back into rpg maker this year ( last one used was xp).
  12. Cubixmaster

    Hello world

    I'm here to practice game writing plot design and eventually put together a team to help make my game fantome
  13. tiago santos

    New guy in town

    Hey guys, just starting with RPG Maker! I can see there is a lot of great things done.. hope to be able to learn a little with all of you. :)
  14. StankelG

    "Hi i'm StankelG" Crowd:"Hey StankelG.."

    Hi fellas like the title stated, i'm StankelG and i'm new Hope we can be have some great times together ^^
  15. YoiYoiKokonX4


    One of my friends is an active RPG Maker user, while watching him work using MV as well as helping out with artwork and some writing, and asking many questions... I decided to join in the fun. I want to make an open world/map action RPG with an ABS system but I don't know where to start. Anyways...
  16. Crash Override

    Hi! I'm new here! ^_^

    How are all of you? The name is Crash Override, but you can call me Crash if you'd like. I am pleased to meet you all and I hope we all get to be the best of friends! My likes include (to get to know a little about me :-D) Hobbies Video Gaming Reading Novels & Manga/Comics Watching Anime and...
  17. INDRA II


    So im new here XD and HEY and Btw i need help with my game so if anyone wants to help me.. THANK YOU
  18. BenDemonator

    Huru From the "Guru" ("Burke's Backyard" reference there!)

    Damn right you are. And, I will be your teacher. And, yes, Ferris Bueller will be back and centre in the classroom, probably dozing off again. Hello to y'all. I am new to the whole RPG Maker MV realm, and I have just started utilising various resources to populate my new "project". It is in the...
  19. DaedraKyne

    New member arrived: THE GAMER!!

    Hey there, all of you rpg maker pros! I have a lot of projects in mind, but can't do it at all without you guys' help, so if you could help, it'd be wonderful ;) I'm a young member, and a bit of a newbie at rpg maker mv, so yeah, don't expect much for now XD If you want someone to test your...
  20. Zenmatho

    Hello Everybody!

    I'm new here, and i hope. I can learn anything from here :). Nice to meet u all !!