Indie Dev

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  1. Mihnea

    Introducing myself.

    Name and experience with RPG maker MV Thought I'd introduce myself to this new world I've entered.I'm Mihnea, but just call me Mi, it's for the better for all of us. I'm half a year (or more if you count the time I used a cracked version) into developing with RPG maker MV. You might find only...
  2. William Black

    Will be Black

    Greetings! I'm William, I used and play in rpg maker several years ago (I'm 28 yo) and although I had a lot of experience with RP2003 I recently got back, a matter of two weeks ago, because I loved the new proposal that MV brought. I want to share experiences with you, until I get to the point...
  3. Crash Override

    Hi! I'm new here! ^_^

    How are all of you? The name is Crash Override, but you can call me Crash if you'd like. I am pleased to meet you all and I hope we all get to be the best of friends! My likes include (to get to know a little about me :-D) Hobbies Video Gaming Reading Novels & Manga/Comics Watching Anime and...
  4. DaedraKyne

    New member arrived: THE GAMER!!

    Hey there, all of you rpg maker pros! I have a lot of projects in mind, but can't do it at all without you guys' help, so if you could help, it'd be wonderful ;) I'm a young member, and a bit of a newbie at rpg maker mv, so yeah, don't expect much for now XD If you want someone to test your...
  5. Terozu

    HI there!

    I'm Terozu, that's a portmanteu of Teru and Rozu, it means bright rose, I'm a newbie pixel, artist like super noob style, I'm working on a pirate game with no definite name yet, I found this site while looking for Ship tiles and I found ADV Ship here, it's an awesome tileset and it can be used...
  6. DestinyKitsuna

    Hi guys!

    So I guess I need to introduce myself so here goes. I'm DestinyKitsuna, newbie to RPG making! I'm 23 and working full time so making a game is going slowly but surely. I'll definitely be asking questions, watching tutorials, and hopefully complete a game someday.
  7. Wolfy

    So this is Wolfy

    Hey guys! I´m Wolfy from germany and I just want to say hello. : ) I came to the Rpg Maker throw the Game Vampires Dawn and now I´m working at a Rpg Maker Game for myself... so... I thinks thats quiet it. Sorry if my english is not that good. ^^'
  8. Drexanz


    Hello, I'm Drexanz! I've been using RPG Maker since XP and am glad to be a part of this community.
  9. DerPeltzer

    Hello Guys! c:

    Hi! My name is Jan. I'm 19 years old and I'm from Germany. I've bought MV, because I had some little Projects with friends on Ace a few years ago. I'm currently getting started with MV and try to make my own Fantasy-RPG. Something like the Gothic games from Piranha Bytes, but in old school...
  10. FreaQiiMM

    Hello! :)

    Guten Tag! My Name is Mikey and im coming from Germany, "The Black Forest". Normally im programming with C# at the work but as RPG Maker MV was released, i saw that u could script own Plug-Ins with JavaScript. So I decided to learn this language and i found this Forum about RPG Maker MV. .....I...
  11. kikih66

    Hello everyone :D

    Hi ! My name is Kevin, i'm a french student, I love video games and RPG Maker. I discovered this forum today and I think i'm going to learn a lot of things here :D Have a nice day ;)