Indie Dev

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  1. NaughtyMinx

    Intro Hi I'm NaughtyMinx

    Yo! I'm all about making games. Looking to make one amazing rpg with the rpg maker mv! Glad to be with ya'll stay frosty
  2. Janoque


    Idk how to start this. I am at least 13 and I just bought RPG Maker MV 1 month ago And now I enjoy this game. I am still making games with RPG Maker MV since it was fun to do! I am still improving making my games with a Default boring textures of RPG Maker MV and that's it. I had to rush anyways.
  3. jongev100

    My story

    hello, I'm new here and to rpg maker, I saw mv on sale 75 percent off and couldn't resist. I play alot of games made by rpg makers, and I'm always thinking hmm I would have done this different. so here I am giving it a shot.
  4. DragonX7


    I am new here. While on other RM sites, I'm finding this one to be more responsive based on the number of views and replies to each post. For that, it looks great. I am currently designing an RPG game that I feel, while I'm sure others say this, is a bit different. I'm using a lot of plugins for...
  5. SkipSkippy

    Hi friends

    Just a kid with some dreams hoping to make a cool game.
  6. Mister Kent

    Howdy Hoo!

    Hello ~ My name's Kent, and I am new 'round these parts. I'm working in MV now but have a little experience in VXAce, and I used to mess around with 2000 and XP back in the day. My main interests are in making a sci-fi or modern game using the program. See y'all around!
  7. DumbLoser

    Kia Ora!

    Kia Ora! that means hello in Maori. So my name is Brad and i'm from New Zealand. No i'm not Maori i'm white, But they teach it at every school. I'm new to signing up to these sites but hey it would be cool to make some friends here. I took a massive break from making RPG Maker games the versions...
  8. MintPersona

    Howdy Howdy!

    Hi, everybody! I'm a raging extrovert with anxiety, but loves interacting all the same. I'm bad at programming, but I love mapping, creating characters and NPCs, creating custom windows and loading screens,and writing stories. I hope you like whatever I make. Granted, I'm not always available...
  9. ItsElemental


    Hello, there I just recently decided to try developing a game. This forum has been enormously helpful and i'm very greatful for that. I hope to see everyone around!
  10. madness179

    intro/ make a drug

    I have entered stuff now(pumpkin) I have something for you to do. make a drug it can't help people. if it helps people it is not a drug it is medicine. it must have 1. what it does 2. what it looks like 3. how to take the drug. hit me with the best you have. (thumbsup)(cool)
  11. Prime Games

    *Insert Clever Introduction Here*

    Yo! I'm just a new game creator here who likes to think that they specialize in writing stories and settings and characters and what not. Just decided to say HELLO COMMUNITY!
  12. Dragonfire1313


    HI this is my intro to finish my account Im DRAGONFIRE1313 you might have seen my name on MC or something else IDK (glad)(thumbsup)
  13. YoiYoiKokonX4


    One of my friends is an active RPG Maker user, while watching him work using MV as well as helping out with artwork and some writing, and asking many questions... I decided to join in the fun. I want to make an open world/map action RPG with an ABS system but I don't know where to start. Anyways...
  14. Tyler Ryan


    Hi there! My name is Tyler I am just a simple 17 year old who digs video games, music, anime, and almost everything geeky. Im in school learning how to become a game creator. I also teach myself art, code, guitar, and animation. It's a pleasure to meet you.
  15. Walker's

    Hi, This is Walker's Chapters

    Hail, fellow World Builders and Game Artisans, I'm Walker, and I am a fresh game maker and user of RPG Maker. A few days ago a friend gifted me this software, which I've wanted for a long time. This program is excellent because it allows me, a talentless twat who cannot draw, paint, compose...
  16. BenDemonator

    Huru From the "Guru" ("Burke's Backyard" reference there!)

    Damn right you are. And, I will be your teacher. And, yes, Ferris Bueller will be back and centre in the classroom, probably dozing off again. Hello to y'all. I am new to the whole RPG Maker MV realm, and I have just started utilising various resources to populate my new "project". It is in the...
  17. DaedraKyne

    New member arrived: THE GAMER!!

    Hey there, all of you rpg maker pros! I have a lot of projects in mind, but can't do it at all without you guys' help, so if you could help, it'd be wonderful ;) I'm a young member, and a bit of a newbie at rpg maker mv, so yeah, don't expect much for now XD If you want someone to test your...
  18. HokageMarcus


    Hiya! The names Marcus, with the title of Hokage, hence the name Hokage Marcus. I'm here mainly looking for dope resources for my game I'm making, which is literally a fun joke I kept going for way to long. I want to make it great with just the right amount of cringe. I'm not even selling it or...
  19. Rilinku

    Long time tinkerer and lurker in the RPG maker community...

    Hi. I've been playing around with RPG Makers all the way back to RM95, but I've never made a full game and I've mostly just lurked the related sites in the background. I've got ideas, and I'm preparing to perhaps change that. I have no talent for music or coding and only moderate talent for...
  20. Rob Lannan

    Hello and Hails from Missouri

    Good Evening, just joined the site as it seems to have allot of good knowledge about RPGMaker MV. Looking forward to learning as I am working on my game, I am old school gamer back from days of the Atari 100 Computer, Bulletin Board System, and Tabletop. Looking to recreate the charm while...