Indie Dev

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  1. M

    Database Organizer

    Hello, Im sorry if this is in the wrong area, or if there is already a thread item for this. Im looking to see if anyone has a template for excel that would allow for game ideas to be seperate and easy to go through so when you start to put your ideas from the spreadsheet into the game its...
  2. Xavier101

    Discussion: Idea for a gameplay mechanic.

    First of all, new to this community so i hope i can get along with you all. Now onto the matter at hand. I have been working on converting an old fan story i once made into an original game story after getting a creative urge when i found rpg maker. I am still practicing and testing things out...
  3. SalmonWine

    Walking Simulators and LSD

    Hello, fellow developers :) Man, it really has been awhile since i've been here, at least five or six months...but this isnt the time for blog posting! Essentially, the idea for a heavily exploration based type of game is certainly not new, some corners of the internet have coined them as...
  4. Cubixmaster

    How does the title and idea of this game sound feel free to give any adivce imopen

    Title: fantôme Plot: The main character lives in a world after the awakening in which spirits got trapped in this world but the trapped spirit energy created a quintessence build up which then split into five types water earth wood gold fire which allowed the world to run on magic after the...
  5. MinisterJay

    Ready For A CONTEST?

    It has been a while since we have had a contest. We are looking for your input. WHY? The answer to that is why make a contest that many may not be interested in. We will make badges for the next contest. If it is a game making contest, I was thinking of possibly having various "BEST...
  6. Lark Monster

    FFVIII Draw System & Summons

    I really have no idea if this is in the right place or not...sorry in advance if it's not. :( Right now I am mostly tinkering around and learning things (I just got RPG Maker MV about a week ago...), and I have a few ideas for what I want to do but almost no idea how to accomplish it. I have...
  7. Senou_Tetsuka

    (Summon) Unicorn battler for "Unicorn Lancer" class

    hello, its me again. I've been having some a "creative block" so for some unnecessary reasons, I m gonna take some rough sketches of "what you can see on the title" that i can add to the Side Quest list for CO:LS. so on my check list is: 1. Flash Stride (Skill) 2. Break Defense / High Defense...
  8. Stevushka

    Side Mission Ideas?!?

    Hey all, as I'm working on my game, The Adventures Of Todd: A School RPG, I've hit a wall! The problem is, I can't think of any more side missions! (I only have 2-3 atm) For those of you that don't know, TAT:ASRPG is the story of a boy named Todd, as he goes through childhood and adolescence...
  9. Senou_Tetsuka

    This is a really Complicated Skill :(

    Hello readers, I'm a new guy from the south east. working with Stories in RPG Maker MV is normal, but when I'm working with skills, mechanics, and gameplay I get really confused especially when working with Plugin Note tags and JavaScript there is a lot of stuff I want to make, and it is...
  10. SalmonWine

    Bad/Overly-Ambitious Game Ideas

    Let me tell you a story about my attempted first game, The Four Fundamentally, if this game were to be made it would NOT be made in RMMV, but seeing as how it was the only program avaliable to me (on free trial, mind you) i tried to use it. It taught me a LOT of hard lessons about making games...
  11. SalmonWine

    Brainstorming CRAZY Skills and Weapons

    Howdy everyone! My game Silence has been in development for quite some time, and I've had a lot of ideas. However, I'm kind of running low on steam, and need some help. I have 60 player skills in the game (one per character), 32 weapons, and 8 limit-beakers. However, I intend for these numbers...
  12. Arythorn

    Timer Problem

    As mentioned Previously, MV has a rather flawed timer system, , the only real thing it need to fix it is it should have a Option under the Timer to create a "Upon End of Timer" branch. Having this option would prevent problems such as the one I have here... Here is my Code, the problematic part...
  13. Lore

    Elemental Skills Discussion

    Hi Folks, I'm currently in the process of developing skill trees for my classes and I've now hit a snag. In my game, there are 4 main characters, who each use 1 of the archtypes in my game: Fighter, Rouge, Mage & Ranger. Each character starts at the top of the tree class tree and throughout...
  14. Lore

    Conceptualizing Your Game

    Hi guys! I'm currently in the stages of conceptualizing my game, that is, making note of the things/skills/classes/items etc, I want in my game. I haven't actually started much inside MV itself, aside from some minor database edits and setup. For anyone interested in viewing what I have at the...
  15. MadPumpkin

    Contest Ideas

    Okay this is all about making fun contests that everyone can join and has a chance of winning. GIAW (Game in a week) This idea is all about putting developers on a time table of 1 week to plan out a game following the contests theme. This contest is usually a week and a few extra days long. a...
  16. Koldren

    Some food icons?

    I am making a game that is full with crafting, cooking, alchemy and other types of item creating skills and I don't know how to create food recipes because I don't have any alternative icons to use like 1 sword icon for 100 swords.
  17. pd wolf

    sup guys

    just do what you wot to do nope
  18. CM Games

    My Art Ideas for My games.

    Just want to share some of my sketches for my game's DUST, Water House, UM, Another Tail, and GOD World. "The boy" DUST character "the boy" holding the young earth tree. Water House main protagonist "young Nana" with their flooded house. Another Tail's characters (from left to...
  19. LTN Games

    Battle Systems

    Surprisingly I been developing games in RM since only April ( I think) and I understand everything about it now, from eventing to scripting, to even drawing my own graphics and parallaxing etc etc but surprisingly one thing I am not 100% about is the battle system, and mainly the database, see...
  20. Xyphien

    More Badges?

    Would you all like to see more badges, and if so, what would you like them to be about? Post your badge ideas below, and it could be added to the badge list :D