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  1. Morriganna

    Adding icons on mac

    How do i add icon sets to RPG Maker MV on Mac
  2. TrepkSoto

    [RPGMakerMV] Icons

    Hello my name is Joseph & i'm new on this forum because i want to know how to use RPG Maker MV basically for making icons and some tiles if i can, but i don't know what's the size of the icons so i can't start making them for the moment. The question is ¿What's the size of the icons?, 32x32 (?)...
  3. MinisterJay

    Change Game Icon AND Make Game One Executable FIle

    I forgot how do change, the official RPG Maker MV game icon to whatever you want it to be. I remember it is a little more advanced than just changing the graphic in the icon folder. I also would like to know how to make a deployed game file into one file, not a zipped files, but one where the...
  4. MinisterJay

    Can a Resource Icon be Edited?

    Sometimes we may forget to put a resource icon for the resources we just added, or maybe we may want to change the resource icon. After the thread has been posted, is there a way to change or add the resource icon?