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help me

  1. S

    Having trouble uploading character

    Hello, I’m new to this site and RPG Maker and need help. I am using RPG Maker MV and making custom tiles and custom characters. I was able to upload the tiles without issue. I am using Game Character Hub to make the characters, but am unable to upload them into RPG Maker MV. I did not see...
  2. breakMe


    What is the ex-parameter exactly?
  3. Jd_Uchiha

    Hello, fellow rpgmaker shinobi!

    I am Jordan Uchiha. Been an rpgmakermv user for maybe 2 years now. I have about 3-4 different gaming projects I am currently working on. One is a pre-zombie game, that is solely story-telling, simple quest with no fighting or battle system. *Once completed i will then make a part 2 which...
  4. ezryrze

    Any game stories in need of critique? Come here!

    Hey! So, this thread was originally for my own idea in need of critiquing, but I no longer with to have my idea up here! Due to this, I've changed the thread to a place for people to ask for critiquing and to post their ideas. Have fun.
  5. C

    Help with variables

    Hi! I'm a newbie and I'm stuck with my project. Please someone could help me with this problem below: I'm using ingame variables to count some of the players actions. And I want to write this ingame variable to a .txt file (using a script or a plugin or anything). I can write any text in to...
  6. Morriganna

    Adding icons on mac

    How do i add icon sets to RPG Maker MV on Mac
  7. Senou_Tetsuka

    This is a really Complicated Skill :(

    Hello readers, I'm a new guy from the south east. working with Stories in RPG Maker MV is normal, but when I'm working with skills, mechanics, and gameplay I get really confused especially when working with Plugin Note tags and JavaScript there is a lot of stuff I want to make, and it is...
  8. scarlettstride

    please help me with my tilesets

    Actually, I just solved it, now how do I delete this??

    Ummmmm i need help

    Well my problem for now is the story of the game, at first i had an idea for a story but then its started to make no sense at all and i decide to remove my old cast and make a new one .... And this part is where i need you guys ..... I want you to create a story using these 4 characters like...
  10. Crimson Nightfox

    MV Generato Expansion Help

    I got this download and extracted all goods onto the generator folder but as soon as I run my game, it ain't popping up. Can anyone help me?
  11. Whiskerwax28

    Battle Intro help

    I have been watching a lot of Echo607's tutorials, but I am coming across numerous issues. I copied her Dynamic Battle Intro, but the characters don't pose ;[ example in the notes for the battle intro skill theres things like MOTION ITEM: character 1 MOTION SKILL: character 2 etc. but they...
  12. Nelsares

    dropping item animation

    I think this post is in the right thread topic, I want my character to drop a certain item for the cutscene. Drop the item like while walking in the market not in battle can someone please help me? google is not helping me I guess I'm the only one interested in this. Thanks in advance
  13. LazyPat

    Need Input on this Map

    Hi Guy! I need your opinions on this modern city I made. I also would like to know any tips you guys got on how to go about making this city part of a grim future (science has pushed the planet to its limit (city like in Blade Runner or Avatar))
  14. RevJoystick

    Multiverse (Used to be called TimeLine)

    Hello! I Am making a game called Multiverse. It is about a few kids who sign up for an experiment on the human race. When something goes wrong, The kids rip a hole in the time space continuum and allow other universes to float into theirs. The timelines all create new universes, thus creating a...