Indie Dev

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  1. Ronivan

    So long everyone!

    I really regret to say this but the time for me to retire my pencil has come. It has been like 3 years of artwork study, which I tried game art most of times. In the end I found no support nor any reason to keep on, so I decided to quit everything and move on to different segments of...
  2. PikaPikaGamer

    Bye everyone (for now :P)

    Hey everyone :D I have not been posting anything for a while and I have a reason for that! I've been thinking about this! ---> It's VN Maker! :D I have been thinking about this for a while now ever since I heard about it I was looking forward to using...
  3. Iron Croc

    Seeya. Wouldn't wanna be ya.

    To the friends I've made here, I wish you all the best. If you wanna talk to me, you'll know where to find me. To the rest of you.... Best of luck out there. ... I'm out!
  4. Cunechan

    Gotta say goodbye

    ... For a while. I knew I had to post this somewhen but it hurts now. I'll be away for a while but I'll come back. Sorry to leave you guys just after the new year started but I'll come back very soon, I hope. Maybe I can get the chance to plop in for a minute but that probably won't happen...