Indie Dev

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game idea

  1. MagiaVW

    Hi. Idiot Passing Through With A Game Concept

    Hello, you can call me Magia. I like to write fantasy stories. About a month ago, I was trying to focus on a story and ended up creating an AU of it. The more I thought about it the more I thought this would make a great video game. I have RPG Maker MV now, however I have no idea what I am...
  2. manbad

    Hey I'm making a game

    I'm making a game using rpg maker mv and throughout the process I've been creating a lot of cool systems/mini games you can use in your games as well! Feel free to try some of these systems out and share feed back so we can make them better for everyone! Thanks!
  3. Phynal

    HELLLO! New member here!

    Hello to all the new and old! I am excited to start my journey into making my own RPG here! I am starting a game based on my childhood with my cousin and best friend. We have always loved RPGs over all other games, and with the chance now to create our own game how could we not?! Anyway, it is...
  4. Cubixmaster

    How does the title and idea of this game sound feel free to give any adivce imopen

    Title: fantôme Plot: The main character lives in a world after the awakening in which spirits got trapped in this world but the trapped spirit energy created a quintessence build up which then split into five types water earth wood gold fire which allowed the world to run on magic after the...
  5. ezryrze

    Any game stories in need of critique? Come here!

    Hey! So, this thread was originally for my own idea in need of critiquing, but I no longer with to have my idea up here! Due to this, I've changed the thread to a place for people to ask for critiquing and to post their ideas. Have fun.
  6. Prime Games

    My Gaming Idea (Feel free to review harshly)

    Before I get started here's a little bit about me. I'm known from YouTube as Prime Games. I like to come up with plot ideas, characters, and more for video games. I could've been an author, but decided to go into the gaming field. I have an idea for a game and I want to know what you guys think...