Indie Dev

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game developer

  1. Createocon

    SATURN, My first RPG Maker MV Game.

    Hello everyone, so I finally started my first Official RPG Maker game, and development is going pretty well. I created a Devlog profile on gamejolt for it so you can follow the development if interested. There will be more substantial posts after I'm done fine tuning the game mechanics and...
  2. Createocon

    Hello all :3 Happy To Be apart of this community :3

    Hi, I'm Mike... I am an Artist that Makes video games. I've been using RPG Maker since about 2006 or '07... But only recently have I have finally learned how to properly communicate to RPG Maker,, so now I'm hoping to finally make it a permanent tool in my Dev pipeline.(something I have been...
  3. icekid43

    hello new maker here

    hello I am new, I am currently in the process of making two games. they should be decent but will help me make a step into something I want to do
  4. AceOfShades

    AceOfShades here! Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu :D

    Hello! My name is RJ, but people call me Ace. I'm a Game Development enthusiast. I've always been fascinated by games, and have been making my own paper-maze games since I was little. My first taste of video game development started with one of my classes in programming, where I made a...
  5. Troctzul

    Greetings All!

    I go by the handle Troctzul on Reddit and various other social media. I recently stumbled upon this site and am looking forward to spending more time posting! I have been working on an MV game called Tamria: I have also worked on a action script and demo for VX Ace: Overall I have been...
  6. PhilteredKhaos

    Well, well, well...What have we here, hmmm?

    It's me! The Eclectic Eccentric! I found this site about a week ago, but became most active a few days ago, when I ran out of projects I was cranking out like a factory. (3 in a month! Woot!) Unfortunately, doing everything alone, even testing, left one of them with some crippling errors that I...