Indie Dev

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  1. freedar

    Anyone want to make a game together?

    Wondering if anyone wants to work together or at least talk about it. I can't find a single physical person that I know who has any interest in making video games. Can we collaborate on something?
  2. demonSweat

    RPG Maker GAME JAM

    Can you complete a fully-fledged short RPG Game in less than 4 weeks? Let's find out! Join the Fast, Fast, Fast! RPG Maker Game Jam on! It can be a chance for game making experience, or just a fun project to make that isn't very long-term. Are you up to the task...
  3. Zarsla

    Starting RPG Maker MV Videos

    Hey everyone, I'm starting two rpg maker video tutorial series. One is based on my game(s), that I'm making and the stuff featured in it. And the other I wish to be based on topics that you asked. I'm not good at scripting (so no how to make a plugin tutorials) but I know my way around...
  4. SalmonWine

    Bad/Overly-Ambitious Game Ideas

    Let me tell you a story about my attempted first game, The Four Fundamentally, if this game were to be made it would NOT be made in RMMV, but seeing as how it was the only program avaliable to me (on free trial, mind you) i tried to use it. It taught me a LOT of hard lessons about making games...
  5. Lore

    Recruitment: Secrets of the Vairfey

    Hi Folks! For some time now, I've been developing a concept for a game that aims to play similar to games like FFIII, Dragon Quest, Zelda, The 7th Saga, etc. It doesn't have a title yet, hence why it's called the Working Title project. Haha. :) EDIT: Current working title is "Secrets of the...
  6. LTN Games

    Team Socks: Sock Quest Recruitment

    This thread has been a long time coming, at first I was only going to develop this game by myself with the help of an old member RiseEvil (who made the Sock battlers & busts for me) but now it's reached a point where if I don't get a bit of help or a team to bounce ideas off of, I'll be stuck...
  7. Leoguy

    Emberheart (Really early developement)

    Personalities! In EMBERHEART they ill impact a characters dialogue, fighting style and where they stand on in-game decisions. A character will react to specific events in a certain way due to their personality. For example, a 'Creepy' character will sometimes stutter or giggle. That's all I...
  8. Val Ray

    RPG Fighter League - A Battle to Finish! (DEMO is out)

    RPG - Fighter League - A Battle to Finish! - (link to dev blog on this project) Demo / Prototype / Link Google Drive (330 mb) For fans of old classic RPG / JRPG fighting mecanics in a world full of secrets and great characters. I would like to have your thoughts on my project thank you! :D...
  9. S


  10. LTN Games

    CLOSED! [Workshop] LTN’s Mapping Madness

    I’m opening up this small workshop to help the community out with their games, mainly the Christmas contest. I will do maps in both MV and ACE and I will be doing it within a time limit of about 10-15 minutes per map and each map will only be 20x15 you can request something bigger but you will...
  11. DevoidOS

    How to learn JavaScript for RPG Maker MV

    Hey guys I'm pretty sure that some of you already know some JavaScript. But many of y'all don't. So I've decided to make this thread into where you can share your JavaScript knowledge with the ones who don't. Beginner: Let's get you started with learning most of the important parts for...