Indie Dev

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  1. Dalton Sayre

    RPG Maker Sentury Bot 10

    use this killer droid for whatever you want. Just let me know what you think works well with Galv's Diagonal Movement
  2. Dalton Sayre

    5 New Robots v 2.0a

    Click on history above to find download link ***Fixed issue with Green Bot, fixed issue with Security Bot, added Pincer Bot*** 5 new bots, face, walk, diagonal, idol, sv_actor, sv_enemy, enemy, face free to use in any project. must credit Kadakowa/Enterbrain must own valid copy of RMMV Tested...
  3. Rampagewtf

    Free sound effects and music for your games.

    Hi guys. I know websites that developers can use to score free game sound effects and music for their games. The secret is knowing where to look. So, I’ve made the process even easier by compiling a list of websites that offer free game sound effects that you can use in your next project. Many...
  4. jomarcenter

    [IGMC 2017] Looking for composer and Artist with a experience on RPG maker VX Ace software.

    Hello this is MJM from Jomarcenter Gaming Studio and our team is looking for Artist who is expirence with RPG maker VX ace for our project in the creation of sprites, characters, and possibly tile-set. the reasons why specifically with an experience on RPG maker VX ace because we have our own...
  5. tsibley13

    [New Game] Trading Card Game Recruitment and Help!

    Hello there, beautiful RPG scholars! (cheeky) I'm new in this community so if this post is misplaced, please let me know and I will take care of it. I used to be part of a free RPG making team back when RPG Maker XP and VX was the thing but my job made me take a few years away from the system...
  6. HellZDarkArkon

    Sprites, Tilesets, and maybe Audio

    Okay, so i've been working on this game, and Well, first off, i need some original sprites. These default sprites just...i don't think they agree with the game. I also need some better tilesets. Something that says Dark, Dreary. The Abyss is kind of a...opposite to our world. So I need...
  7. K

    Sprites and Horror resources

    Hello! I am currently working on a horror game, getting all sorts of resources for this idea I have. ^^ I kindly ask anyone willing to help me to point me to some good, free tilesets and objects I can use for a horror game set in a somewhat spacious mansion (hah, kinda reminds of Mad Father...
  8. ClintHennesy

    EDUN RPG: 2016 Recruitment Thread

    RECRUITMENT OPEN TILL SEPTEMBER 30, 2016 Mock-ups of final "Character Bust Arts" Done back as a Style Test. Good Day Ladies and Gentlemen! We are currently looking for an enthusiastic Programmer/Scripter and/or Game Designer looking for a project to do. Essentially, we want to produce a...
  9. Speedpaint Nightcore

    RMMV [looking for people who are looking looking for free work]

    Hey guys so I'm in early stages of planning a game that is based around the harvest moon game but mixed with stardew valley etc.. So pretty much a farming game with a small village the player can visit to upgrade, sell and buy things, I currently need a small team of specific people who will...
  10. JebberBear

    New Sci-Fi fantasy game needs Spriter, artist.

    Hello there everyone, hope this finds you all well. So currently I have a small team of 3 working on a none profit game (strictly just for fun) The game has a Sci-Fi Fantasy setting and brilliant story so far but we are still early in development. We are however lacking on the art department...
  11. crazy=genius

    [Workshop] Crazy free stuff

    OPEN Well, it work like this, uh you request something and i created it. Got it? Hope you guys understand the explanation. What i can do: - Illustration (Mostly anime stuff) - Logo/Title Screen/ etc... - Portrait - Character/Monster Design SAMPLE: Before applying a request, make sure to...
  12. samorious

    Visual Artist Commisioned and Free

    Hello everyone, I am offering my services to all of you. The reason I am offering commisioned and free is will be explained as followed: If it is a non-commercial project I will do it for free If it is a commercial project I will need to ask for a small commision or for royalties. I am still...
  13. HellZDarkArkon

    [Paid and Free] Mapper

    Hiya all! my names HellZ and I love mapping. It is one of the few aspects of RPG Maker that I don't SUUUUUUUUUUCK at. so that said, i'm offering to make maps for people, just describe it as much as you can, and if you have custom-made tilesets, send them to me via PM. if you can pay me...
  14. Dainiri.Art

    D'Art Title Screen and Logo Shop

    Samples: Above samples are made using MV's RTP. I will upload more samples later. Prices: Commercial and Non-Commercial Games Basic Title No BG, Logo Only - $10 Advance Title Package With Custom BG - Price starts at $30 With Characters - Price starts at $20 Terms of Use (Request) For...
  15. LTN Games

    CLOSED! [Workshop] LTN’s Mapping Madness

    I’m opening up this small workshop to help the community out with their games, mainly the Christmas contest. I will do maps in both MV and ACE and I will be doing it within a time limit of about 10-15 minutes per map and each map will only be 20x15 you can request something bigger but you will...