Indie Dev

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  1. trapless

    Search Members / Board specific stickys?

    Please fix editing post containing links... we simply cant do it. The title is wrong because I can't display the info intended due to an error in a link i wanted to fix.
  2. Arythorn

    Should I add To This?/How Can This Be Improved?

    Hi Guys, it's Arythorn, I was just wondering if any of you would like to take a few moments of your time to listen to a very simple, repetitive piano melody I have written. I am considering adding in an accompanying melody/general accompaniment, in a higher octave, but would like feedback on...
  3. Arythorn

    Opinions Wanted :)

    Hey! So, I have composed, and recorded, my own game theme, and was now wondering if any of you would like to review it as it is much appreciated! Things like how it evokes feelings or any errors (which I hope there are none!) and any what it portrays in terms of what story it could introduce...
  4. Praygon

    Sprites Need some feedback on these Undertale Weapon Sprites

    Hey everyone. I'm fairly new to sprite work and while I've got the basics down i find im hitting a brick wall with creating more detailed sprites most of my stuff comes off kinda flat. I made these Undertale Weapon sprites for practice and id love some critique on what I could do to improve...
  5. Arythorn

    My Game Plot - Feedback Greatly Appreciated

    So I am creating a game - Not sure on name yet, so thing along the lines of Galvora's Daughter... - and would like some feedback on the plot... So, What do you think? Any Tips? Suggestions? I value constructive criticism! So, critisize away! Thanks in Advance... BeeTree :D
  6. Lyon Media

    Feedback on Weapons Please.

    Me and my team are wanting to know if players prefer lots of different weapon options or little weapon options. The game we are developing right now has three damage types. Piercing, Slashing, and Blunt. Each one is best for different types of armor. So we need to have different weapon...
  7. Manoma

    First map and mechanics

    Hi! I don't have much skill with maps so i tried to apply some things from video editing into my map. I also used TileD to make the multiple layers and used some events to make interesting things. Any feedback is apreciated :)
  8. Iron Croc

    Post your music!

    Hello everyone. Most forums have a thread like this, so I thought could use one too. Simple. Post your music and leave feedback for prior people who posted. Rules: Follow all forum rules. (Duh.) Leave detailed feedback for prior musicians/composers. Simply "I liked it" or "That...
  9. Storytailor

    "Relik" Plans (So Far)

    Hey gang, I guess it's hypocritical of me to encourage everyone to post something of their story and game info, but withhold myself. Even though it makes me nervous to do so, I have to believe more good will come of this than harm. Basics: "Relik" is a classic 2D RPG with a focus on rich story...