Indie Dev

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  1. sage

    What are your favorite RPG Maker games?

    There are a lot of RPG Maker games out there. Many good ones, and many more bad ones. Which ones are your favorite? Is there something you think that a RM game has to have in order to grab your attention early on? What turns you away from a RM game? What types or genre of RM games are your...
  2. MrRobot204

    Puzzle making/favorite puzzles

    One of the things I absolutely adore about 2d RPGS is how cool the puzzles can be, but alas this requires a lot of events put in just the right order. Being a newbie to game making I'm struggling to figure this out but I am also still just in the beginner stages of learning the program, so here...
  3. Iron Croc

    Favorite breakfast foods?

    Hello, once again. I come to you all asking you all what your favorite breakfast foods are. Tell me your opinions and your answers! I really like hearing from you all and it's interesting to see what people from other walks of life consider to be "normal" if at all. Keep in mind that you...
  4. Iron Croc

    What are your favorite Original character and place names (AND WHY)?

    Tell me, ladies and gents. What are your favorite place and character names? I want to know. And tell me WHY! I'm curious to know the stories behind your favorite original place and character names? Characters can be from any non canon title, preferably one under your development! Same with...
  5. cav_dan

    Favorite Soundtrack Thread

    Favorite soundtrack, either for woking or to listen during your daily commute. I'm posting only other stuff soundtracks because I'm that guy, but feel free to share your favorite band and stuff... My current addiction. Can't stop listening to this. Very corny and japanese, but really...
  6. MinisterJay

    Favorite (Favourite) Song Videos

    I love some hard Christian rock, so I will start this category with Skillet's "Monster". Enjoy.
  7. LTN Games

    Favorite Music

    Post music you like to listen to the most. I am posting a song I like hearing during developing a game, or just relaxing.