Indie Dev

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  1. Goldblaze

    MV Proximity-Based Event Fading

    Hi, I've been to figure out how to make a system that will fade in events seamlessly as the player gets within a certain radius of them. An example would be a platform that would fade in when the player is within 3 tiles of that event, and when the player moves out of that range, the event fades...
  2. Lark Monster

    FFVIII Draw System & Summons

    I really have no idea if this is in the right place or not...sorry in advance if it's not. :( Right now I am mostly tinkering around and learning things (I just got RPG Maker MV about a week ago...), and I have a few ideas for what I want to do but almost no idea how to accomplish it. I have...
  3. M

    MV [Eventing] Cooking no specific amount

    Hey everyone! I have just a quick question. I'm in the midst of working on a cooking system of some sort. It's been a while... Question, How do you set it to where if I had 3 raw fish in my inventory, I want them all to be cooked via a campfire or oven, but not have to set a specific amount? I...
  4. Neil London

    Dialog while event is moving but waiting till finished to start new dialog

    I hope this is in the right place I'm trying to start an event movement with dialog while it is moving, BUT I don't want the next dialog to start until the movement is completed and the event start moving again. From what I understand, you either have the event moving with no dialog until...
  5. Speedpaint Nightcore

    Need a team to help with game [FREE WORK][RMMV]

    Hey guys i'm back here again as my other team abandoned the project instantly.. Anyway I want to make a game based off stardew valley and if you don't kno what stardew valley is then google it and it should come up with a description for you. I want a game a lot like it but not identical to the...
  6. Arythorn

    Carrying Events Over Maps

    So, in the game I am creating, I have a Time system. I was wondering is there was ANY way to get this time system to carry over across my entire game... Yes, I will break my rule and use pluginsif necessary... (Cause for those of you who don't know, I did originally say I would no use any!). As...
  7. Arythorn

    Glowing Gate Help

    Trying to make the Large stone 'gate' glow, you will have probably seen it but The tileset I am using does not include the glowing gate only the normal one, here is a screenshot. The event just triggers another event based around the gate, can be moved if necessary, also, I want the gate only...
  8. Starbird

    [Eventing] Player Touch plus Event Touch?

    I would like a battle to start when the player touches an event OR the event touches the player. It's easy to get it to start when the player touches the event, but so far I haven't been able to make it work the other way around. I know I used to do this in Ace, but I'm stuck for some reason...
  9. Macro

    Annoying flicker after changing "Show Picture"

    I have this irritating problem when I use 'Show Choices', I get this annoying flicker when an image changes. I have above it 'Show Picture 1', which is a character bust for a normal expression. After selecting a choice, and changing Picture 1 to something else (a different bust for a different...
  10. U

    Turn Towards This Event

    Is there a command or script call that makes the player turn towards the currently running event? Closest thing I could find is in Galv's Move Route Extras: this.turn_toward(i); But with that command you have to input an eventId number on each event. I am looking for an alternative way to do...
  11. Chibae

    Menu I am working on VXACE

    Well i saw a resident evil starter pack in RK3 and thought Let me try and convert the events to VXACE since thati s lackin a menu that works the way I want it to :P here's what the 2K3 looks like : I am hoping I can remove that Ammo box. Here's what I have so far : I resized it as u can see...