Indie Dev

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  1. Amysaurus

    [Paid] Amy's Face Place

    1. I'm available via PM, Skype, and email if you'd like to get a hold of me. Let me know which way is best for you! 2. You'll need to credit me anywhere my work is used. 3. My preferred method of payment is Paypal. 4. Please include a description and/or visual reference along with your request...
  2. BlacksmithMV

    RTP Character EmoSets

    I'm intent on using the RTP of MV to make my game and I like to use emosets to help immerse the player in the story. I'm not sure if any emosets for the MV characters exist yet, but if they do I would very much like to be linked to them. The more, the better; I'm a bit of a collector, so I need...