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  1. Chi-Time

    drawFace () and drawActorFace () Not Drawing to Window.

    Hi there. I'm having an issue with drawing actor faces to a Window_Base as it just won't display them. Everything else such as icon's, text, simple status' etc all seem to work. But trying to draw an image of their face is just not doing anything. Here's my current code...
  2. ObsidianTrance

    ObsidianTrance Art

    Greetings RMers :) This is my first post here and likely to be main, unless I make a thread sharing my writing. I thought it would be great to share my artwork with other artists here, get some feedback and eventually, every now and then, take up some requests for those that would like~ I'm a...
  3. sage

    Inktober 2016

    Inktober is an art challenge that involves doing an ink drawing every day during October. All you have to do is get a pen, and draw something. There is an official prompt for each day, but you don't have to follow it. The important part is doing ink drawings. You can find out more about it...
  4. Phil

    It Took me 30 minutes soooo...

    :| I have no actual reason to post this beside being proud of myself for simple thing... ;-; Bravo its beautiful
  5. sage

    Enemies Sage's Battlers

    I'm starting a little project to make some battlers for you guys. I've started the fun by making a slime monster. I heavily encourage suggestions. What foe would you like to see next? Wolves? Rats? Other creatures? Faeries? Monsters? People? Gods? I'd like to know!
  6. Amysaurus

    Amy's Art Assistance [OPEN!]

    Hey guys! I'm by no means a pro, but I thought I'd offer my assistance to anyone looking to improve their artwork! It doesn't matter to me if you already have some experience with art or you're just starting out - anyone is welcome to ask me for help, or just a bit of feedback. I have the...
  7. Trumully

    I think I can Draw!

    Yes! I think I can draw now! Here is a video of a speed drawing I did: Enjoy the Royalty Free music and the totally awesome drawing I have! (Trumully Industries is not responsible for mass embarrassment, choking, internal bleeding or heart failure caused from this video. Thank you for your...
  8. EpicFILE

    EpicFILE Drawing Stuff

    Hello! I'm EpicFILE. I've been a member here since about a month ago. I think it's time to be more active in this forum. Welcome to EpicFILE Drawing Stuff! Not a really good name for a thread, I see. But I think it's catchy enough. XD Here are some of the newest arts I've made: Pirate Guy...
  9. sage

    The Practice and Criticism Thread

    Post one of your latest drawings/pieces/sketches/sprites/songs/etc. here, and everyone will do their part to give you some decent constructive criticism. The purpose of this thread is to help you improve and get better at art by pointing out your mistakes and things you need to work on. Please...
  10. sage

    Sage's Art

    I've been drawing for most of my years, and I've been doing digital art for about half a decade now. Here are some of my works: More art can be found Right Here. I also started my own webcomic that you can read Here. And finally, some pixel art: