Indie Dev

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  1. P

    Is there a way to make DLC

    hey guys quick question is there a way to make dlc for my game so that way i can make it chapter based kind of like life is strange and tell tale games like episode one episode 2 and so on? or is there a plugin for that if i cant do it already i cant really show pictures cuz i need to do it in...
  2. Stevushka

    'TAT: The Life RPG' Series?

    Hey Everyone, I'm still in the early stages of development for my game, 'The Adventures Of Todd: A School RPG', but recently I've been thinking of the future of the game, and what I would work on next, after I finish TAT:ASRPG. Just the other day, I first thought of making DLCs for TAT:ASRPG...
  3. Xyphien

    Steam How to add DLC to RMMV?

    I purchased RMMV via steam, and I cannot for the life on me figure out where the RPG Maker MV folder is on my computer. On VX Ace it installed in my documents, also, where do I even go to for the DLC files in steam.