Indie Dev

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  1. M

    Database Organizer

    Hello, Im sorry if this is in the wrong area, or if there is already a thread item for this. Im looking to see if anyone has a template for excel that would allow for game ideas to be seperate and easy to go through so when you start to put your ideas from the spreadsheet into the game its...
  2. Speedpaint Nightcore

    Need a team to help with game [FREE WORK][RMMV]

    Hey guys i'm back here again as my other team abandoned the project instantly.. Anyway I want to make a game based off stardew valley and if you don't kno what stardew valley is then google it and it should come up with a description for you. I want a game a lot like it but not identical to the...
  3. Lore

    Tutorial - Database Organization

    Hey guys, and welcome to my first tutorial. I hope that you guys can utilise this to help organise database information for your game/s. This is a method that I find easiest, as it allows you to quickly and easily see all of the information that you want, and can be easily changed if you need to...
  4. Admiral Crayon

    [Solved]Actor starting with unwanted equipment

    Hi people, I'm not sure what's going on right now but my first actor always starts the game with the same specific body armor even though I have set his starting equipment to none: I made the actor start on an empty map to make sure that wasn't triggered by an event but that didn't change...
  5. TheGameFreak

    Change Terms in Database while in-game?

    Is it possible to change the Terms in Database while you're in-game? I didn't find it yet. Is there a solution for this or maybe a plugin?