Indie Dev

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  1. Mr.Anderson

    My worst problem

    So maybe a few of you guys may have already known my problem. My Problem is: I have a ship ingame. Its drivable etc so just the standard rpg maker mv ship. Now i want my Player to visit the interior of that ship. (Like in the game dragon quest 9) Now me and @Cunechan are already searching for an...
  2. Admiral Crayon

    [Solved]Actor starting with unwanted equipment

    Hi people, I'm not sure what's going on right now but my first actor always starts the game with the same specific body armor even though I have set his starting equipment to none: I made the actor start on an empty map to make sure that wasn't triggered by an event but that didn't change...
  3. Macro

    Annoying flicker after changing "Show Picture"

    I have this irritating problem when I use 'Show Choices', I get this annoying flicker when an image changes. I have above it 'Show Picture 1', which is a character bust for a normal expression. After selecting a choice, and changing Picture 1 to something else (a different bust for a different...
  4. DarkBunniDNR

    Changing player image dosnt stick with map change

    Hello all, I changed my players image via set move route on one map, then as soon as I transfer to the other my player has no graphic. It is very annoying, this problem never happened on VX ACE. and I cannot determine the cause. Switches are in place to determine what graphic player changes...
  5. dcsant

    Starting title menu with controller probably bug

    I've noticed an odd situation here (But I still don't know if this is a real bug). For any project, the title menu isn't working with a controller (directionals only) until the player press 'B'. I'm using a default Logitech gamepad controller F310, works fine in VX Ace projects and all other...