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  1. MinisterJay

    Would RMMV Forum members like to see more Ball World resources?

    I am working on the demo for "Ball People I: The Revolution." I am making a lot of images for the Ball World and multiple Ball Universes. Do the members want to see more Ball World resources? Asking this before adding more to Resource Forum.
  2. MinisterJay

    In Development: Ball People I: The Revolution

    UPDATE: This is no longer a concept nor an idea. It has developed into a work in progress, which multiple additions every day. NOTE: These screenshots would not be possible if I was not using eivl's plugin, ET_Fullscreen. Additionally, screenshots of the menu and/or title have the exit game...
  3. MinisterJay

    Completed Ball People

    Taking an idea from a game I thought of last year called Losing My Marbles, and making a new set of ball peoples. Teaser of Base BallPeople1: About to test it. If it works any way near my last attempt, my ribs are going to be hurting.