Indie Dev

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ask me anything

  1. Stevushka

    Steven's AMA!

    Well, as the name implies, ask me anything! (plans for the future, progress/status of my current project(s), things I've done/made in the past, not-too-personal details, etc!)
  2. Lore

    Lore's AMA Thread

    Well, I thought I'd jump on the bandwagon and post one of these things here :) So feel free to ask all the things :D
  3. Cyanide

    Ask Cyanide Anything

    Hey, I do not believe that somebody has questions about my person (as I am more like a "forum ghost chameleon" that upload tiles) or my "art". But I wanted to give it a chance :) could be funny.
  4. Companion Wulf

    AMA - Ask The Wulf...Anything!

    Since I'm such a private person I don't often do these AMA things and, like several others here, I've been burned by them...a lot! But I thought why not?! This IS a forum I can feel comfortable in, with cool people, after all. So, if you want to know "anything" about me, feel free to ask. I'll...
  5. JibstaMan

    AMA - JibstaMan

    Apparently, the AMA threads have gained popularity all of a sudden. I guess this is a good time to start then. I am going to see whether I can bend the rules a little. Besides questions, we can also have a discussion (about the answers, etc). Also, I want to be able to cross-examine about...
  6. Khayalan

    AMA - Khayalan

    Ask me anything... woow im so creative :)
  7. raymi100

    Ask Raymi Anything :3

    It's 4 am and I have nothing better to do XD So, go on and ask me anything you want~ :D
  8. DarcHiro

    Ask Darc Anything!

    Hi I'm DarcHiro, a newbie at video game development, and an aspiring graphic designer. I'm posting this to offer people to get to know me a little better. (heart)(heart)(heart) Ask Away! (heart)(heart)(heart)
  9. sage

    Ask sage Something

    I'm @sage, the 'other' admin, maker of the emoticons, forum lurker, and more. If you have any advice, questions, opinions, favorites, etc. I'll answer them.
  10. Trumully

    AMA (Ask Me Anything) Thread!

    I love Reddit! So cool, but, ya know, I'm more of a lurker. I always liked reading the AMAs (Ask Me Anything), so I decided, why not make my own AMA thread? Go ahead. Ask me anything.