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  1. Xyphien

    What donations/Sponsors/Partners do for RMMV

    Hello everyone, this post is going to shed some light on what your donation, sponsor, partner, as well as the one ad we have on the site does for RMMV. I'm probably one of the very few 1% that do not host websites for money, but for a service. I own GameHandout which I giveaway real, 100% legal...
  2. Trumully

    Questioning about New Rank: 'Partner'

    Okay, I've just seen a new Sponsor rank come up called 'Partner'. Can someone explain to me what this is? Is it like Sponsor, or better? Please reply! I would like to know as I am considering partner... ;) Edit: Sorry, I didn't know where to put this so I just put to General Discussion. Tell me...