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  1. Senou_Tetsuka

    now I got a brief break from these College tasks, I can go back to the proj, even if its just...

    now I got a brief break from these College tasks, I can go back to the proj, even if its just for a short while
  2. Senou_Tetsuka

    Could This Work/Is This Feasible?

    even thought RPG Maker is for RPG but some of people already used it to make Simulations and Puzzle games like Maze crawler games and Harvest moon-ish games and a good game could have no story at all just like this games plus Multiplayer games, but for me a story is what I personally craved...
  3. Senou_Tetsuka

    What do you think? (Garando - Prologue/Demo)

    well this is interesting but the first paragraph didn't work with the others, it felt lost like this girl from Okinawa then change the focus to the dream world went so fast then go back to his basic live in Okinawa again you can find any reference in any "amnesia" and "dream land" Cliché...
  4. Senou_Tetsuka

    Is this a good plot idea?

    wow I also written kind of plot hole, is anyone the same? conclusion a big war is happening and our MC is trying to find anything that ties with his past, and there is this deities that can help you with it, sound like a lot is happening here and I am so agree on this so this is what I'm...
  5. Senou_Tetsuka

    I Couldn't agree more i actualy replying this on phone

    I Couldn't agree more i actualy replying this on phone
  6. Senou_Tetsuka

    I Couldn't agree more i actualy replying this on phone

    I Couldn't agree more i actualy replying this on phone
  7. Senou_Tetsuka

    Favorite Famous fairy tale swords durandal or excalibur or galatine?

    Favorite Famous fairy tale swords durandal or excalibur or galatine?
  8. Senou_Tetsuka

    Trading Card Game

    Ah TCG Bringing the nostalgic back When you talking about card games i go straight to decks building and there is away to achive it, maybe you could get plugins from Yanfly, from skills to state, but the very important part is the "Equip Skills". Its a great plugin, start writing down basic...
  9. Senou_Tetsuka

    New here...

    Well turning the prison into a base is great but remeber dont try to make this prison "just like another prison" it would make it boring.... Right?! Plan on adding overgrowned forests or a garden in the prison or "the floor is lava" kind of or make the player lost they way through each places...
  10. Senou_Tetsuka

    How does the title and idea of this game sound feel free to give any adivce imopen

    The game idea is pretty good sort of, well we all agree we want something emotionaly attach RPG, looking foward to it Im just surprise that earth and wood isn't the same
  11. Senou_Tetsuka

    Spend the holiday with my PC on service is not good

    Spend the holiday with my PC on service is not good
  12. Senou_Tetsuka

    Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

    I finally finished, switch with the current music, and uploaded to sound cloud, I'm so tired I didn't mind about the title
  13. Senou_Tetsuka

    Request Horse Battlers

    hello, it's me. can i ask for Horse battler, well 3 horses, Just keep it static 1. "Gold Pegasus" (well... its gold with a white mane and with a pattern on the wings) 2. "Hollow Unicorn" (the color is just white with kinda ghostly transparent on 4 feet and on its tail .... i guess) 3. "Chaos...
  14. Senou_Tetsuka

    (Summon) Unicorn battler for "Unicorn Lancer" class

    hello, its me again. I've been having some a "creative block" so for some unnecessary reasons, I m gonna take some rough sketches of "what you can see on the title" that i can add to the Side Quest list for CO:LS. so on my check list is: 1. Flash Stride (Skill) 2. Break Defense / High Defense...
  15. Senou_Tetsuka

    hello everyone nice to meet you

    pretty straight forward huh well, glad you could join us
  16. Senou_Tetsuka

    preparing myself to rebuild my PC

    preparing myself to rebuild my PC
  17. Senou_Tetsuka

    doing some art stuff is really taken a lot of my time :(

    doing some art stuff is really taken a lot of my time :(
  18. Senou_Tetsuka

    My Short Games Story

    hmm for a little story, that is a big "your choice and relationship matters" kind of game look forward, oh can I see the character base information for this, I'm so curious XD
  19. Senou_Tetsuka

    Opinions Wanted :)

    wow really smooth music what software did you use for this?
  20. Senou_Tetsuka

    Does Dubstep or Loopstep musics fit in with JRPG's Intro?

    good to hear I should downloaded right away I shall post the ST after I finished with it